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HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women
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Reaching My Calcium Goal

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Reaching My Iron Goal

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Reaching My Goal By Understanding the Nutrition Facts Panel on the Food Label

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Tips for Eating Out

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Grocery Shopping

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Reaching My Healthy Weight

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Reaching My Goal With Daily Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity – Getting Started

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Walking

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My Bright Future: Reaching My Goal With Healthy Grocery Shopping

Eating healthy promotes good health, makes you feel energetic, lowers the risk for certain diseases, and helps to control your weight. Here are some tips to help you make healthy choices when you go grocery shopping.

My goal: ________________________________________________________________________
                 (e.g., Help lower my risk for heart disease by buying healthier foods.)

Tips to Help Reach My Goal

  • Think ahead about the meals you plan to make and write a list of what you’ll need to buy.

  • Go grocery shopping when you’re full, not when you’re hungry. This will help you stick to your grocery list.

  • Plan to buy a variety of foods from each of the food groups.

  • Read food labels and buy items that are lower in saturated and trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium.

  • Buy fewer items that are high in added sugars such as sweetened drinks (examples: fruit punch, fruitades, and non-diet drinks); canned fruit packed in heavy syrup, and desserts.

Getting Started

“I never used to go food shopping with a list – I just went up and down the supermarket aisles and bought things that looked good or were on sale. But a few months ago, I decided to eat healthier to lower my risk for heart disease. Now I write a list of foods that I need each week. The list keeps me focused so I buy healthier food for myself and my family. I’ve also saved money because I don’t buy unnecessary things.”

—Rita, Houston, Texas

Here’s a list of some foods that Rita buys each week. Use it to start your own list and add other healthy foods.

Rita’s Shopping List

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Canned peaches packed in water or their own juice
  • Green or red bell peppers
  • Fat-free milk
  • Canned tuna packed in water
  • Lean turkey breast
  • Dried kidney beans
  • Fat-free yogurt

For more information, visit

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Department of Health and Human Services