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U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries

The U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries:
An Industrial Base Assessment

Textile Graphic

Introduction: Process and Methodology

Executive Summary
Introduction: Process and Methodology
I. Current Health and Competitiveness of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries
  A. Current State of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries
A.1 Textile Mills (NAICS 313)
A.2 Textile Product Mills (NAICS 314)
A.3 Apparel Manufacturing (NAICS 315)
A.4 Footwear Manufacturing (NAICS 3162)
A.5 Change in Textile End Uses in the United States
A.6 The Global and U.S. Markets for Textiles and Apparel
  B. The Health of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries
B.1 Financials: Industry Comparisons
B.1.a Profitability
B.1.b Return on Assets
B.1.c Debt-to-Equity
B.1.d Overall Comparison
B.2 Financials: BIS Survey Results
B.3 Other Measures of Industry Health
B.3.a Employment and Plant Closings
B.3.b Relative Prices
B.3.c U.S. Production Capacity and Capacity Utilization
B.3.d Productivity
  C. The Competitiveness of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries
C.1 U.S. Share of Global Textile and Apparel Trade
C.2 Competitiveness Scorecard
  D. New Market Strategies
D.1 Shift in Market Focus
D.2 Product Differentiation
  E. Summary
II. Contribution of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries to the U.S. Economy
  A. Direct Economic Contribution
  B. Impacts on Other Industries
B.1 The Multiplier Effect of the Textile and Apparel Industries
B.2 Specific Contributions to Other Industries
B.3 Contribution to Critical Infrastructure
  C. Contribution to Employment
  D. Contribution to U.S. Research and Development
  E. Summary
III. Contribution of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries to the U.S. Armed Forces
  A. Contribution to the U.S. Armed Forces
A.1 Total Contribution to the Department of Defense
A.2 Details of Department of Defense Textile and Apparel Procurement
A.3 The Procurement Process
A.4 Analysis of Suppliers
  B. U.S. Armed Forces Surge Requirements
  C. Summary
IV. Dependency on Foreign Sources for Critical Textile- and Apparel-Related Material and Potential Threats to National Security
  A. Defining Critical Textile- and Apparel-Related Materials
  B. Dependencies of U.S. Firms on Foreign Sources
  C. Department of Defense’s Dependency on Foreign Sources
  D. Potential Threats to Internal Security from Foreign Sourcing and Dependency
  E. Summary
V. Department of Defense Enforcement of Berry Amendment and Other Buy American Restrictions
  A. The Berry Amendment and Buy American Restrictions
  B. Industry Survey Responses
B.1 Berry Amendment Responses
B.2 Buy American Provision Responses
  C. Interviews and Site Visits
C.1 Industry Interviews and Site Visits
C.2 Department of Defense Interviews
  D. Berry Amendment Waivers
  E. Summary
  A. Report Bibliography
  B. BIS U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry Survey
  C. BIS U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry Survey


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