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Fast Lesson Finder
Extreme Exploration, Extreme Education: Bring the real science behind the headlines into your classroom. This search is a fast track to teacher-approved activities related to current NASA missions making news from across the solar system.
 General Topic: 
 Grade Level: 
 Solar System Body: 
Activity Title:  Here Comes the Heat
General Description:  Participants use spectroscopy to measure heat. Participants will develop a better understanding of the various units used by scientist to characterize electromagnetic radiation.
Teacher Guide Student Text Student Activity
Student Data Sheet Student Handout
Content Standard:  Physical Science: Interactions of Matter and Energy
General Topic:  Light/Energy
Source:  Genesis
Body:  Uranus
Grade Level:  9-12
Mission:  Genesis
Background:  Solar System Missions

Teacher's Notes:

This activity is pretty advanced. May be suitable for an AP class.

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