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Spelling Bee Fun

Did you know that laughing makes you feel better and helps you live longer? Well, it's true, so it's always good to start out with a here's one for you:

A student at the National Spelling Bee had been given a very hard word to spell. Not knowing how to start, the student asked if he could "buy a vowel".

Now...on to some SCIENCE spelling fun. Which letter is missing from the words below:
  1. B E A _ E R (glassware used in a lab)
  2. M _ U S E (found with most computers)
  3. H A _ A R D (could be toxic!)
  4. N _ E D L E (also called a syringe)
  5. M I _ R O S C O P E (helps you see very small things)
  6. _ O M P U T E R (you are using one of these)
  7. S C _ E N T I S T (a good career choice)

  1. k -- beaker
  2. o -- mouse
  3. z -- hazard
  4. e -- needle
  5. c -- microscope
  6. c -- computer
  7. i -- scientist

Did you get them all? GOOD JOB! And if you are ready for more, visit our "What is it" spelling game (note: this game requires the ability to view graphics). You will also find more activities at our Games and Surprises page.

Please visit the NIEHS Kids Page Main Index .

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