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Facing Forward: Ways You Can Make a Difference in Cancer
    Updated: 06/01/2002


Making a Difference: What It Means

Finding Ways You Can Make a Difference: A Guide

Making a Difference in Everyday Ways

Making a Difference with Cancer Organizations

Making a Difference in Cancer Research

Making a Difference in Government Programs

Resources to Learn More

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Making a Difference with Cancer-Related Organizations

About Making a Difference with Cancer-Related Organizations
Working with Service and Support Organizations
Working with Awareness and Education Organizations
Working with Fundraising Organizations
Working with Advocacy Organizations

"My oldest sister, Elizabeth, was diagnosed with lung cancer 10 years ago. From the moment she found out she had cancer, she knew it was bad. She had chemo, radiation, and part of her lung removed--and still her cancer came back. She died when she was 59 years old, three days after her grandson's first birthday.

During Elizabeth's illness, I felt angry, sad, powerless, and frustrated. I went around like this until someone showed me an ad for a local organization that was raising money for cancer research. I thought, 'Here is another group asking for money I don't have.' But I read more, and the ad said they were looking for volunteers to help out at their office. I'm not sure why I decided to call them or what made me go down there, but I did.

Someone asked me to start stuffing envelopes, and that's how I got started. That first night there were about 20 of us helping to get ready for an event. Some people were making posters. One man was on the phone taking pledges. Another lady was trying to get the caterer to lower its prices.

I was hooked right away. I knew this was a way to channel all my feelings of anger, helplessness, and hopelessness into something good. I was with other volunteers who also were cancer survivors and knew what I had been through.

After 8 years, I am still volunteering with that group. Why do I do it? I have made some wonderful friends-- they often know what I am feeling before I even say it because they've been where I am. We helped raise money for cancer research that, I hope, someday will lead to a cure.

While it will not help my sister, I do this work to honor her memory."

—  Carol, lost a sister to lung cancer, 57

About Making a Difference with Cancer-Related Organizations

The last chapter described how you can make a difference in everyday ways. This chapter looks at how you can help by working with cancer-related organizations. Cancer-related organizations include many different kinds of groups that find ways to help people with cancer--and many of them need the help of volunteers. Many of these groups are listed in the back of this document, starting on Organizations Where You Can "Make a Difference".

Some cancer-related organizations serve only their local communities, while others help people in certain regions of the country. National organizations serve people all across the United States.

Cancer organizations can focus on different areas:

  • All types of cancer
  • Just one type of cancer
  • The needs of people from a specific racial or ethnic group, religion, or culture
  • The needs of family members or other people who take care of those with cancer

Cancer-related organizations offer many different kinds of services:

  • Service and support
  • Awareness and education
  • Fundraising
  • Advocacy

Keep in Mind

Think about your interests, and decide if you want to volunteer with a cancer-related organization that helps people who:

  • Have one type of cancer
  • Have different types of cancer
  • Share your background
  • Live in your area
  • Live across the United States

Working with Service and Support Organizations

"When I was in treatment, I had trouble finding people like me to talk to. I finally found a local group that was working to help other Hispanic women and lesbians deal with and understand cancer--to give them someone to talk to. So that's where I started volunteering."

—  Consuelo, ovarian cancer survivor, 51i

Service and support organizations make sure people don't have to face cancer alone. They offer help to survivors, caregivers, and people who lost someone to cancer. These groups provide services such as:
  • Telephone hotlines. In these programs, volunteers are trained to be hotline counselors: people who give easy-to-understand information over the phone. Hotline counselors also are trained to be good listeners and support other people as they talk about their feelings and concerns. Some hotlines let volunteers take calls in their homes.
  • Cancer support programs. These programs give emotional support to people with cancer and their families. They also help by giving people items they need, such as wigs, scarves, breast forms, and books.
  • Other types of support. These include help with medical services, including referrals for second opinions or specialists. They also include legal services as well as practical help people need, like rides to medical appointments.

Ways to Get Started-- Service and Support Programs

  • Donate items cancer patients need, like wigs, scarves, and breast forms.
  • Provide office help such as answering phones or stuffing envelopes.
  • Volunteer to drive people to their doctors' appointments.
  • Join a support group, or offer to lead one.
  • Get trained to work as a hotline counselor.
  • Join a committee that helps plan programs, or let others know about services.

Working with Awareness and Education Organizations

Cancer organizations also work hard to raise awareness about cancer. They do this by letting people know that cancer can affect anyone and giving people facts and figures about the disease. Cancer organizations also invite people to join them in the fight against cancer.

Organizations also educate people about cancer. This includes teaching people about cancer screening tests, ways to reduce cancer risks, and tips for healthy living. Organizations want to get this message out to as many people as they can. They often give workshops and presentations at schools, workplaces, places of worship, health fairs, and even over the Internet.

Ways to Get Started-- Awareness and Education Programs

  • Provide needed help around the office.
  • Help at local health fairs and community events.
  • Give your family, friends, and coworkers information about cancer. Ask them to help you teach others about this disease.
  • Think of new ways to let people know about cancer. Find booklets and brochures about cancer you think people will read.
  • Organize a cancer screening in your community.
  • Learn how to teach a session about cancer at your workplace or in your community group.
  • Join a committee that plans new programs or lets others know about your work.

Working with Fundraising Organizations

Cancer organizations all need to raise funds (get money) in order to provide the services people need and want. Many groups also raise money for cancer research.

Fundraising is often done through events such as races or shows. These events not only bring in money, but also raise awareness about cancer and give hope to the people who participate.

Types of Fundraising Events

There are many kinds of fundraising events. They may raise money for cancer screening, outreach, education, or research. Here are some examples:

  • Walks, runs, and races. Many of these events take place on weekends; some take 2 or 3 days to complete.
  • Activities like golf, bowling, cycling, and dancing.
  • Luncheons, dinners, and fashion shows.
  • Plays and concerts.

Ways to Get Started-- Helping with Fundraising Events

  • Look for events in the newspaper or through a local group (many of the national organizations on Organizations Where You Can "Make a Difference" have local groups or chapters).
  • Take part in the event, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Buy a ticket or make a donation to the event.
  • Donate food or items for raffles or auctions.
  • Sponsor someone to take part in a race or game.
  • Help before the event by:
    • Stuffing envelopes or hanging signs.
    • Doing the artwork for an invitation.
    • Asking your local newspaper or radio station to announce the event.
    • Putting up posters, handing out fliers, or sending e-mail messages to people who may want to attend. Ask people to forward this information to their family and friends.
  • Help on the day of the event by setting up, cleaning, or decorating.
  • Help after the event by thinking of new ways to raise money and finding volunteers to work on these events.
  • Organize a fundraising event in your community.

Keep in Mind

What you should know about fundraising events:
  • Every organization that raises money needs to publish its budget and annual report. The organization has to state where the funds go and how much is given to cancer-related activities.
  • Find out ahead of time how the organization plans to use the money you raise. You might want to ask:
    • How will the money be spent?
    • Who decides how the money will be spent?
    • What percent of the money goes to program costs and office expenses?
    • Does the event support all types of cancer or just one type?
    • Does the money stay in the community or go to a national organization?

Working with Advocacy Organizations

"We've educated elected officials about our struggles with cancer and I've gotten my support group to gather lots of signatures on our latest petition drive. It makes me feel that I am making a difference for others who are going to face this disease."

—  Kelly, Hodgkin's disease survivor, 42

Advocacy (or advocate) means to support, speak in favor of, or recommend a specific cause. For example, cancer organizations advocate by:

  • Helping people with cancer get the care they need, even if they do not have health insurance or cannot pay for it.
  • Protecting people from discrimination (being treated unfairly) because they have cancer or other health-related problems.
  • Raising awareness about cancer, and teaching people about the need for more services, education, and research.

Ways to Get Started-- Advocacy

  • Become an active, involved citizen, and consumer. For example, you can lead a city, state, or regional effort to get more people involved in cancer policy issues. You can also speak about these issues at meetings, health fairs, and other public events.
  • Get to know your elected officials and talk with them about your cancer concerns.
  • Sign a petition on cancer issues. Advocacy groups often use petitions as a way to bring attention to cancer issues.
  • Join an advocacy committee and see what kind of help they need. They may ask you to make phone calls, write letters, or organize an event. If there is not a group near you, think about starting one, or see if you can help by phone or e-mail.
  • Sign up to receive cancer "alert" announcements. Many advocacy groups mail, fax, or e-mail alerts about important cancer issues. Keep up to date, and ask your friends and neighbors if they want to get this information as well.

Ways to Get Started-- Cancer-Related Organizations

  • Learn about what types of activities interest you. Finding Ways You Can Make a Difference: A Guide can help you think about the kinds of activities you like to do and are good at.
  • Find cancer-related organizations by going to Organizations Where You Can "Make a Difference". Many of these groups have local chapters. You can also find local groups by calling your local hospital, searching the Internet, or asking a friend, neighbor, or someone at your doctor's office.
  • Contact organizations that interest you and ask for information about their programs. Start by going to one of their events or talking with someone who organizes volunteers. See if there is a "good fit" between your interests and what they do.

After you have worked with a cancer-related organization for a while, think about how you liked this experience. One way is to fill out Thinking About Your Choices: A Guide.

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