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Most TVA Reservoirs Expected To Reach Summer Pool

May 26, 2006

Despite dry conditions earlier in the year, all of the TVA-managed reservoirs on the main Tennessee River and most of the reservoirs on tributary rivers will be at or near typical summer levels by the Memorial Day weekend.

Exceptions include Hiwassee and Fontana reservoirs in North Carolina, which are expected to be about five feet below desired levels, and Nottely Reservoir in North Georgia, which is expected to be about three feet below its desired level.

As a result of lingering dry conditions in these areas, TVA will continue to operate these three reservoirs in a water-conservation mode. Water releases are being restricted to the minimum necessary to meet downstream water quality and water supply needs, as well as any commitments for recreational use.

The Tennessee Valley had near-record low rainfall and runoff during February and March. Even though rainfall and runoff returned to near-normal levels in early April, both are still about six inches below normal since September 2005. Runoff is the amount of water that reaches streams, rivers and reservoirs.

“The reservoir operating policy adopted by TVA in 2004 increases the target levels for most tributary reservoirs during the winter and restricts the release of water from tributary reservoirs when the volume of water in the tributary system drops below a specified level,” said TVA Senior Vice President of River Operations Janet Herrin. “Those changes – in combination with April and May rains – helped fill reservoirs to current levels for recreational enjoyment despite the dry conditions.”

In addition to providing higher reservoir water levels longer through the summer months, TVA provides recreational releases at a number of dams for rafting and fishing. The Memorial Day weekend marks the start of additional recreational releases at several dams.

Information about current reservoir levels, a three-day forecast for reservoir levels and observed rainfall data are posted daily on TVA’s web site at

TVA is the nation’s largest public power provider and is completely selffinanced with revenues of $7.8 billion during 2005. TVA provides power to large industries and 158 power distributors that serve approximately 8.6 million consumers in seven southeastern states. TVA also manages the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide multiple benefits, including flood damage reduction, navigation, water quality and recreation.

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TVA News Bureau, Knoxville, (865) 632-6000

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