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TVA Regional Resource Stewardship Council To Meet In Knoxville

May 2, 2006

The Regional Resource Stewardship Council, created to advise TVA on the management of natural resources in the Tennessee Valley, will meet Wednesday and Thursday, May 10 - 11, in Knoxville.

The meeting agenda includes an update on TVA’s Board Governance, discussion of TVA’s stewardship program including maintenance of dams and locks, coordination of emergency preparedness programs with local and state emergency management agencies, and a review of current infrastructure issues facing TVA including repairs at the Bear Creek Dam in northwest Alabama.

Council meetings are open to the public. The council will meet from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, and 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Thursday, May 11. The meeting will be held in TVA’s West Tower Auditorium.

A public comment period will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 11. Anyone wanting to make comments at the meeting should register at the door.

Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes. Up to an hour will be allotted for public comments with participation available on a first-come, first-served basis. Hand-out materials should be limited to one printed page.

Written comments may be mailed to the Regional Resource Stewardship Council, TVA, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11A, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1499, or faxed to (865) 632-3146. Comments may be made directly to council members through the RRSC website. For more information, call the council records officer at (865) 632-2333.

TVA is the nation’s largest public power provider and is completely self-financing with revenues of $7.8 billion in 2005. TVA provides power to large industries and 158 power distributors that serve approximately 8.6 million consumers in seven southeastern states. TVA also manages the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide multiple benefits, including flood damage reduction, navigation, water quality and recreation.

Media Contact

Barbara Martocci, Knoxville, (865) 632-8632
TVA News Bureau, Knoxville, (865) 632-6000

TVA Newsroom

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