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Project Number 394
Date of Summary April 09, 2002
Subject Interim Damage Criteria for Replacing Damaged Polyester Rope
Performing Activity Stress Engineering Services, Inc.
Principal Investigator Ray Ayers
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Completion Completed
Description BP EXPLORATION, Upstream Technology Group has requested that Stress Engineering Services (SES), perform a set of tests and analyses to develop an interim criteria for replacing damaged polyester mooring rope. BP and SES recognize that the Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) is developing a more thorough, longer-term project on the same subject, funded in part by the Minerals Management Service (MMS). BP believes it will have Gulf of Mexico applications for polyester rope taut line mooring systems before a criterion is available.  Toward this end, BP has asked SES to perform a limited number of tests of damaged smaller-scale (400,000-lb.) rope in order to develop a criterion that can be used with confidence prior to the availability of the OTRC effort described above. BP allowed the MMS to purchase the data from Part A and Part B. 
Progress This effort ties to Project 369 on damage criteria for polyester ropes. It was simply a purchase from BP to obtain some of their testing data to be used in project 369. Project is complete and data has been incorporated into Project 369.

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Last Updated: 07/23/2008, 08:02 AM