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Project Number 183
Date of Summary March 31, 1994
Subject Further Investigation into Capacity Analysis Procedures
Performing Activity PMB Engineering, Inc.
Principal Investigator Mr. Gordon Bang
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description This was a Joint Industry Project (JIP) that provided information and procedures to improve current capabilities to conduct platform requalifications for both extreme wave and earthquake conditions. The project was accomplished through the examination of analytical procedures, based on a compilation of existing information, as well as new parametric analysis. The project took the CAP a step further by enhancing it to perform dynamic and seismic analysis. The use of CAP will reduce uncertainties in load and load-effect determinations. It will also be used to identify unique effects which will influence future requalification efforts.
Progress Complete


AA Capacity Analysis Program Reference Manual, Version 2.7, Final Report submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., June 28, 1993. (report not available- copyright protected)
AB File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). (9,334 KB; 274 pages) A Review of the State of Practice of Earthquake Analysis of Jacket Structures, Final Report, submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc.., December, 1993.
AC File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). (9,623 KB; 272 pages) Investigation of Dynamic Capacity Analysis for Wave Loading Conditions, Final Report, submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., January 14, 1994


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Last Updated: 07/23/2008, 08:02 AM