U.S. Food and Drug Administration logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNational Center for Toxicological Research
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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NCTR Research Highlight - Sep 19, 2008

Critical Path Initiative – Seven NCTR scientists presented their research programs at the Drug Information Association Critical Path Symposium held September 15-16 in Bethesda, Maryland.  The presentations were grouped under three NCTR strategic initiatives:  1) increased productivity for pre and postmarket activities; 2) translational biomarkers of toxicity/safety; and 3) noninvasive and minimally invasive technologies for safety evaluation. 

Specific interests included: 

  • development of standards for data warehousing and the e-submissions process

  • exploration of idiosyncratic liver injury through comprehensive omics approaches

  • preclinical/clinical imaging with microPET/PET and MRS/MRI technologies

  • development of a mutation assay (PIG-A) for preclinical, clinical, and postmarket safety

  • establishment of an international consortium for Type II diabetes and gene/diet interactions

Jefferson Laboratories World Fest – International diversity was celebrated at Jefferson Laboratories on September 18 as employees shared the color, music, traditions, and food from 15 countries.  This year five new displays were added representing the culture of different states.  The annual event has become popular on campus with each booth presenting samples of traditional recipes.

For further information, contact Dr. William Slikker, Jr., Director, NCTR.

Research Highlight History


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