FDA Logo Link U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNational Center for Toxicological Research
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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The Center for Hepatotoxicology develops and applies a systems toxicology approach to the analysis of questions in liver toxicity based on an integrated cell, molecular, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic platform. Biomarker profiles are generated for more effective assessment of risk for acute toxicity and liver cancer development. Biomarkers of liver injury and disease in mouse, rat, and human samples are developed through an integrated omics analysis of biofluids and tissues from liver injury and disease. The integration of signaling pathway for cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation provides the framework to assess these biomarkers. Development of new methods for identification and limiting the effect of agents to cause liver toxicity is of great importance in support of the FDA's Critical Path Initiative and the long-term impact on public health.

Contact Information

For more information please contact Dr. James Fuscoe, at 870-543-7126 or james.fuscoe@fda.hhs.gov  

horizonal rule