FDA Logo Link U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNational Center for Toxicological Research
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Image of Center for Functional Genomics  page banner

The Center for Functional Genomics (CFG) provides the tools for and conducts research to understand the genetic functional consequences following exposure to chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs.  The CFG includes a microarray facility that can print customized arrays for mouse, rat, or human studies.  While the majority of the arrays use oligos, the CFG can customize arrays that are optimized to address a wide variety of research questions.  The CFG staff of highly experienced individuals interacts effectively with other research scientists to appropriately design, conduct, and interpret the data from microarray experiments.

In addition, NCTR scientists are developing microarray technology to identify the presence of microorganisms.  This application is not only being developed for use in screening food supplies for naturally occurring pathogenic microorganisms, but also for identifying highly infectious pathogenic microorganisms intentionally released as part of a terrorist event.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Dr. James Fuscoe at 870-543-7126 or james.fuscoe@fda.hhs.gov 

horizonal rule