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Updated 12 October, 2003
Atmospheric Composition
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Atmospheric Composition


Recent Accomplishments

Archived News Postings [June 2000 - July 2005]

Related Sites

Calls for Proposals

Please note, this is not a comprehensive list; contact the webmaster to suggest additions.


Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service Dept. of Commerce, Natl. Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin., Office of Global Programs Dept. of Defense Dept. of Energy, Biological and Environmental Research Program

National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Earth Science EnterpriseAtmospheric Chemistry

NASA Fact Sheets


National Science Foundation, Global Change Research Program

Smithsonian Institution

  • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Down to Earth applications. "Using remote sensing techniques developed for astronomy, SAO scientists have improved understanding of global change by carrying out observations of the Earth's atmosphere. Instruments carried on high-altitude balloons and satellites in international collaborations, with supporting theoretical analyses and laboratory measurements, have catalogued the molecular constituents of the upper atmosphere and their interactions."
USGCRP Interagency Program on Ultraviolet Radiation







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