NIST Multizone Modeling Website
CONTAM Overview

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Getting Help

Program help accompanies the ContamW program as "on-line" help or in the form of a pdf file downloadable from this web site. Both the PDF file and the on-line help are identical. There are several ways to access the on-line help system. You can either use the Help Contents… selection of the Help menu to display the contents of the help manual or use the context-sensitive feature to access help.

Help Contents

You can browse the contents or index of the help system to view the topic of your choice and use the search feature to display a list of help topics that contain the keyword in which you are interested.

Context-Sensitive Help

The context-sensitive help feature is designed to provide you with specific information related to the currently active ContamW window or dialog box. To activate the context-sensitive help system, press the F1 key.

Help Index and Search

Be sure to use the on-line help index and search features if you are having trouble locating a specific topic.

Obtaining Technical Support

If you need to contact the CONTAM developers for guidance on using the program or to report a technical problem with the program you can do so via email at the addresses below. If you encounter an error while working with CONTAM, and you require assistance solving the problem, you should immediately (before running ContamW or ContamX again) make copies of the CONTAMW2.LOG, CONTAMX2.LOG, PROJECT.BKP and WEATHER.BKP files located in the CONTAM program directory. You can email these files to NIST so that we may be better equipped to address your particular problem.

NIST Contact Information

1. George Walton 301-975-6421

2. W. Stuart Dols 301-975-5860

3. IAQ and Ventilation Group 301-975-6431