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Reports and Articles

  • NEW Field Guide for Inspecting Signalized Intersections to Reduce Red-Light Running
  • NEW Intersection Field Inspection Form
  • Making Intersections Safer: A Toolbox of Engineering Countermeasures to Reduce Red-Light Running, The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 2003
  • Red Light Camera Systems Operational Guidelines, January 2005
  • Automated Enforcement Of Traffic Signals. A Literature Review
    Robert P. Maccubbin, Barbara L. Staples and Arthur E. Salwin, (Washington, D.C.: Mitretek Systems, July 2001).
  • Fleck, Jack L. and Smith, Bridget B., Can We Make Red Light Runners Stop? Red Light Photo Enforcement in San Francisco, California, San Francisco Department of Parking and Traffic, March 1999 [PDF, 22KB]
  • Turner, S. and Polk, A.E., Overview of Automated Enforcement in Transportation, ITE Journal, Washington, D.C., June 1998 [PDF, 92KB]
  • Passetti, Karl A., Use of Automated Enforcement for Red Light Violations, Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas [PDF, 230KB]
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers, Bibliography of Automated Enforcement References, ITE Automated Enforcement Technical Committee, Washington, D.C. [PDF, 56KB]
  • Federal Highway Administration, Syntheses and Evaluation of Red Light Running Electronic Enforcement Programs in the United States, FHWA, Washington, D.C., September 1999 [PDF, 173KB]
  • Federal Highway Administration, Association of Selected Intersection Factors with Red-Light-Running Crashes, FHWA, Washington, D.C., 2000 [PDF, 538KB]
  • Old Dominion Survey. A National survey of Red Light Running: measuring drivers behavior's for the Stop Red Light Running Program, June 1999 [PDF, 205KB]
  • Patrick Hasson, Federal Highway Administration, Red Lights Mean Stop, FHWA, Washington, D.C., 2000 [PDF, 12KB]

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