CABIG_SWG_OPEN-L archives -- July 2008

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CABIG_SWG_OPEN-L archives – July 2008

  1. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Agenda - July 10, 2008

  2. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Agenda - July 24, 2008

  3. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Agenda - July 3, 2008

  4. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Agenda - July 31, 2008

  5. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Notes and Materials - July 17, 2008

  6. caBIG - SWG Teleconference Notes and Materials - July 24, 2008

  7. FW: Monthly caGrid User Group Meeting: July 17, 2008 11:00am Eastern

  8. FYI on DNS flaw

  9. SWG - caGrid Dorian Security - NCICB Application Support Ticket Close-out

  10. SWG - July 17 Teleconference Materials

  11. [Fwd: FW: American National Standard for credentials data]

  12. [Fwd: Re: caBIG(TM) Annual Meeting Feedback]
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