SCS Sensor Information

The RONALD H. BROWN maintains a suite of sensors which measure or compute nearly 100 different variables. Additional sensors are added as specified by the project. The four main types of data are:

The following is a list of sensors currently integrated into the SCS:

Trimble GPS Precise Positioning GPS (P-Code)
Magnavox MX200 GPS GPS Receiver/Navigator
Northstar GPS Receiver/Navigator
ODEC Speed Log Doppler Speed Log
MK37 Gyro Compass
Ship's Gyro Compass
Raytheon RD-500 Depth Recorder, Chart Recording Fathometer to 500m
Meteorological Data
(Met sensors can be averaged to get maximum/minimum values.)
Barometer Digital barometric pressure
RM Young Met Translator 1  
Wind Speed (Bridge)  
Wind Direction (Bridge)  
Rain Gauge (1 - 4)  
RM Young Met Translator 2 (Bridge)  
Rain Gauge (5 - 9)  
Relative Humidity / Air Temp  
Short Wave Radiation  
Long Wave Radiation  
Air Temperature  
Relative Humidity  
Relative Wind Speed / Direction  
True Wind Speed / Direction Calculated from relative wind and ship's heading.
Vaisala MRS Unit Upper air radiosonde launches
Oceanographic Data
Seabird Thermo-salinograph (TSG) Hull mounted thermosalinograph (sea surface temperature, conductivity, salinity)
Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Seabird Model 911+ system provides profiles of conductivity and temperature versus depth from the surface to 6,800 meters. The system is equipped with a Niskin bottle tripping mechanism which allows for the collection of discrete water samples at various depths.
Seabeam Depth Deep water center beam echo sounding.
Winch Data
Markey Winch Oceanographic winch readout (wire out, rate, tension), primarily used for CTD casts.

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•  Updated: February 28, 2003