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A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Brain
TRI provides science behind engaging, interactive resource released by the Partnership for a Drug Free America to help parents grasp teen behavior and connect with their kids. Providing essential guidance for establishing the “talking” connection with teens, future products will specifically target drugs and alcohol. Read announcement.

 Risk and Needs Triage  Addiction Studies Program for the States
TRI releases web-based decision support tool for judges to help match drug-involved offenders to appropriate placements. Read announcement or visit the RANT™ web site.

Four new states selected to send teams to NIDA-funded educational series encouraging state policy planning based on research and science. More.

 In the News
 Winters Honored by JMATE  

Continuous Recovery Management: More evidence that chronic disease model is clinically feasible in substance abuse treatment.

New! September 2008 ASI/DENS Training: Click here for registration information for the September 18-19, 2008 training in Philadelphia.

Treatment Services Review: TSR 7-, 14- and 28-day versions available for download.

Family Training Program: for those worried about a loved one using drugs or drinking too much.

Computer Assisted Treatment: Adam Brooks, Ph.D. will evaluate outpatient treatment supplemented with computer based skill learning. More.

Adolescent Brain Development: Short report discusses still-developing brain segments, implications for drug effects on teens.


2008 Research to Evidence-Based Practice award recognizes effort to bridge the science-to-practice gap for adolescents. More
 CTN Award to Deni Carise
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Research contributions to improve patient, community outcomes in drug treatment are basis for recognition. More
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