Jamestown Elementary School, Arlington, VA, USA

15 June 1998

Madeline Kunin GLOBE students at Jamestown Elementary have been entering data from the very first day of the program, April 22, 1995, and now have a plan in place to ensure students continue to report data over the summer recess. Under the leadership of GLOBE Teacher Maureen Herman, a special manual has been developed for parents and local scout leaders who have volunteered to take students to the GLOBE study sites over the summer. Ms. Herman and her students trained over a dozen parent volunteers in the science protocols.

Jamestown has hosted a number of dignitaries at their GLOBE study site, including U.S. Vice President Al Gore and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Madeline Kunin (pictured at left). Jamestown students also discussed their GLOBE activities and demonstrated GLOBE student data entry and GLOBEMail in a March 1996 press conference at the National Science Foundation during National Science and Technology Week.

As a charter GLOBE School, Jamestown continues to be a leader in involving the entire community in their GLOBE program. Jamestown Elementary is organizing a series of meetings this summer to help the county develop a plan for integrating GLOBE throughout its science curriculum.

Congratulations to Mrs. Herman and the many teachers and students of Jamestown that are making GLOBE a success.

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