Liceo Scientifico Majorana, Moncalieri, Italy

27 April 1999

Demonstrating the multi-disciplinary nature of the GLOBE Program, teachers at the Liceo Scientifico Majorana school in Italy have incorporated GLOBE into physics, science, philosophy and foreign language classes. Under the energetic guidance of GLOBE teacher Giovanni Imbalzano, the school has also incorporated GLOBE into a science project for disabled students.

The students at Liceo Majorana di Moncalieri have been translating web pages from the GLOBE Server since 1997, together with monitoring the atmosphere and transmitting their data. Teams of four students assume responsibility for translating different sections of the GLOBE materials and web pages. Language teachers help review the work of the students.

Italy's GLOBE Country Coordinator Sandro Sutti reports that other GLOBE teachers and students throughout the country are benefitting from the student translation work. "Translating the work into Italian results in easier comprehension of the GLOBE material, and consequently a quicker and more effective diffusion of the project for the Italian school system, and eventually for this Earth of ours," Dr. Sutti said. "Giovanni Imbalzano of Liceo Scientifico Maiorana is a teacher that GLOBE Italy is very grateful for. We appreciate his initiative!"

Throughout Italy, GLOBE is gaining popularity among schools and the general public. Local newspapers, such as Il Corriere di Moncalieri, and the TV network RAISAT-3 have reported on the Program. More information on the GLOBE Program in Italy can be found at

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