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Updated 12 October, 2003

US National Assessment
of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Human Health Sector Request for
Comments from the Public Health Community


November 1998

The assessment team is currently soliciting comment from the public health community on the scoping of the assessment. Later, when a draft of the report is ready, we will be asking for comment on the draft. We would particularly like to hear from the public health community about the following:

  1. Climate change information
    1. Are you familiar with the issue of climate change?
    2. What information have you reviewed?
    3. What is the source of that information (e.g., newspapers, scientific journals, other sources)?
    4. What are your thoughts about the climate change information?
    5. Based on what you have read/heard about climate change, do you expect climate change to have an impact on human health in the United States? What information is that judgment based on?
    6. Is there other information on climate change that you would like to see?

  2. Climate change and health
    1. The assessment has identified five priority areas for investigation on the possible effects of climate change on health-(1) heat-related; (2) air pollution-related; (3) water and food-borne illness; (5) vector-borne disease; and (6) extreme events. Are there additional areas that you believe should be investigation priorities?
    2. Do you have any comments on the inclusion or definition of the areas that have been included?
    3. Are you aware of any ongoing research that might be relevant to the health sector assessment?
    4. If so, please describe the research in as much detail as possible, identifying the researchers and research institution, funding source, etc.
    5. Can (and should) the public health community take steps now or in the near future to mitigate (in other words, take reasonable measures to avoid possible negative health effects of climate change) or adapt to the possible health effects of climate change?
    6. What research is needed to fill in the gaps in the public health community's knowledge of potential connections between human health and climate change?

  3. General health data
    1. What current health issues do you believe should be priorities for policymakers in the United States?
    2. Do you think they are being addressed adequately? (By health issues, we mean both issues in emerging or existing incidence or prevalence of health conditions, such as asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, etc., and issues in the care and prevention of illness-vaccination compliance, health insurance coverage, access to medical care, and other issues.)
    3. What health issues do you anticipate becoming priorities for policymakers in the United States over the next 20 to 100 years?
    4. Why do you think so?
    5. Do you think there are measures the nation should be taking now to address these emerging or anticipated health issues?

  4. Information about yourself
    1. Please identify yourself by name; area of expertise; professional affiliation; and address, telephone number, and email, if possible.

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