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Rear Admiral James A. Watson

Director of Prevention Policy
US Coast Guard

 Download PDF Download  Rear Admiral James A. Watson Rear Admiral James Watson is currently Director of Prevention Policy for Marine Safety, Security and Stewardship, Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington DC. Previous to this assignment he served as Chief of Staff of the Seventh Coast Guard District in Miami FL and Chief, Office of Budget and Programs, Coast Guard Headquarters.  Prior field assignments include:  Commanding Officer Marine Safety Office Miami (2001-2004), Commanding Officer Marine Safety Office San Diego (1995-1998), Executive Officer Marine Safety Office Savannah (1992-1995), Chief of Port Operations Marine Safety Office Puget Sound (1989-1992), and Engineering Officer USCGC Bibb (1978-1980).  Headquarters staff assignments have included: Program Reviewer - Office of Budget and Programs (1998-2000), Staff Naval Architect - USCG Marine Safety Center (1986-1989), Staff Engineer – Marine Technical and Hazardous Materials Division (1980-1983).

Rear Admiral Watson graduated from the Coast Guard Academy in 1978 with a Bachelors of Science in Marine Engineering.  In 1985 he earned two master of science degrees from the University of Michigan, one in Mechanical Engineering and the other in Naval Architecture.  In 2001 he graduated from Industrial College of the Armed Forces with a master’s degree in Strategic Studies.

Rear Admiral Watson has been a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers since 1978.  He was recognized as the Southeastern United States Propeller Club Person of the Year in 2004.  His personal military awards include two Legion of Merits, two Meritorious Service Medals, and six Coast Guard Commendation Medals.

Last Modified 4/17/2008