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Benefits of Building ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes

Today everyone is concerned about rising energy costs. By partnering with ENERGY STAR, builders provide their customers a comfortable home that uses less energy. Homeowners appreciate saving money on their energy bills. And builders appreciate fewer callbacks and complaints.

As ENERGY STAR partners, builders can also gain the following advantages:

Market Differentiation and Recognition

Partnering with ENERGY STAR distinguishes builders as leaders in energy-efficient construction and environmental stewardship, providing valuable peer and public recognition that translates into market advantage because consumers increasingly ask for ENERGY STAR.

As homebuyers across the country become increasingly interested in green building, energy efficiency is the best place for them to start. And the easy way for builders to show that their new homes are energy efficient is with the blue ENERGY STAR logo mark, the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency. Learn more about how Green Begins with ENERGY STAR Blue PDF (130KB).

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

The energy-efficient features built into ENERGY STAR qualified homes increase comfort and satisfaction, resulting in fewer homeowner complaints and callbacks.

Increased Revenue

The built-in energy-saving features can increase revenue on ENERGY STAR qualified homes. In addition, the projected energy savings may allow a buyer to afford additional upgrades, further increasing the builder’s profit.

Program Flexibility

Builders choose from “tried and true” energy efficiency features to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines. The variety of features available can be integrated with consumer preferred designs, layouts, or option packages.

EPA Support for Builders

As ENERGY STAR partners, builders can use EPA-produced marketing resources and technical resources at no cost. Some examples include:

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Home industry professionals who partner with EPA's ENERGY STAR can increase revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain national recognition as industry and environmental leaders. ENERGY STAR and its partners — builders, Home Energy Raters, utilities, state and regional sponsors, and lenders — work together to promote the benefits and increase sales of energy-efficient homes.