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The ENERGY STAR Builder Recruitment Handbook

The ENERGY STAR Builder Recruitment Handbook is a partner guide intended to assist new and existing ENERGY STAR partners in their efforts to recruit homebuilders to a winning partnership with ENERGY STAR. It also illustrates ways to increase participation, improve relationships, and offer long-term support to builders.

Thanks to the efforts of ENERGY STAR partners, the ENERGY STAR for New Homes program has experienced great success and exponential growth since its inception in 1996. Just over a decade later, more than 5,000 homebuilders are ENERGY STAR partners and over 10 percent of all new annual housing starts are ENERGY STAR qualified.

To promote continued program growth and support efforts by partners to increase the number of ENERGY STAR qualified new homes, EPA has developed this Builder Recruitment Handbook. Resources included in the handbook:

  • Top Ways to Reach and Retain Homebuilders Fact Sheet PDF (398KB)

    This fact sheet provides a comprehensive list of ideas and best practices to increase builder participation in ENERGY STAR. To be most effective, partners should outreach to builders, support builder partners, and coordinate with local stakeholders.
  • Working with Production Builders PDF (658KB)

    This document explains the roles of production builders' specialized staff. Understanding their various roles can help partners more effectively promote ENERGY STAR benefits and resources.
  • Builder Recruitment Presentation Power Point Presentation (26.8MB)

    This customizable presentation targets a general builder audience, focusing on the value of ENERGY STAR. It provides an overview of ENERGY STAR qualified homes, technical requirements, and marketing tools, along with guidance on how to join and participate in the program. The presentation can be given in approximately one hour.
  • The ENERGY STAR Builder Growth Chart PDF (116KB)

    This checklist details the pathway for builders to become successful ENERGY STAR builder partners, from first joining with ENERGY STAR to fully promoting and selling ENERGY STAR and eventually applying for the Excellence in ENERGY STAR Promotion Award. It can be used to guide builders in fully leveraging the value of ENERGY STAR.
  • Common Builder Concerns About Partnering with ENERGY STAR and Solutions to Overcome Them PDF (173KB)

    This guide assists partners in overcoming common concerns about participating in ENERGY STAR. Related ENERGY STAR resources also are included as links.
  • Success Stories of ENERGY STAR Builder Partners PDF (659KB)

    These success stories highlight specific cases where ENERGY STAR has supported builder business across the nation. The stories feature builder partners who have been active in ENERGY STAR and their experiences with increased sales, differentiation, customer satisfaction, and improved building techniques. These success stories can be used as testimonials in builder recruitment efforts.
  • Build ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes Brochure PDF (752KB)

    This brochure explains the value of ENERGY STAR from a homebuilder's perspective and the features of an ENERGY STAR qualified home. It can be used as a handout in recruitment efforts.
  • ENERGY STAR Marketing Toolkit

    Through the Marketing Toolkit, home energy raters can create customized promotional materials to educate builders about the benefits of participating in the ENERGY STAR program and their verification services. Partners can also use the Toolkit to create point-of-sale materials for builder clients that can help them to educate prospective homeowners about the features and benefits of ENERGY STAR qualified homes through a variety of flyers, display cards, and web tools.