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Electronic and Paper Forms

What is InForms?

InForms is a software package which allows users to complete forms electronically and save the information to a database for future retrieval. Once a form is completed, you may either print the form and forward the document or forward the form electronically to the next level in the chain of command. Using InForms  you may create a template of a form containing basic, unchanging information; retrieve the template, and complete the remaining information.  In the future, electronic forms will also incorporate the use of electronic signatures, heading toward a paperless environment.

How can InForms help me do my job?

The use of electronic forms means offices no longer have to stock paper forms.  The forms are available on the Local Area Network (LAN), the local PC, or the AFM Web site. With the capability to save and retrieve information, electronic forms can streamline the overall process of completing a form by allowing you to retrieve a previous copy, modify the information, and effectively create a new form. This  decreases the time required to complete a form or produce another copy.  Electronic forms have the capability for context sensitive help, drop-down lists, and automatic calculations to make form completion easier and more accurate.

What is the role of OCIO in InForms and electronic forms?

The Chief, Applications Development Branch (ADB) oversees the Research, Education, and Economics (REE) agencies' forms management program.  A forms manager is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and operation of the program. The current forms manager is Brenda Clark.   ADB operates the REE agencies' forms program. The functions include:

  • Analysis
  • Approval and control
  • Design and composition
  • Periodic forms review
  • Coordination and training
  • Quality assurance testing of new forms.

ADB assigns each new and revised form a number and an edition date, and maintains control records and files on each form used by the REE agencies.

How can I find what forms are available electronically?

On the AFM homepage there is a link to Forms Library. On this page is a heading: Forms Currently Available in InForms, which lists each form that is available electronically. The forms are listed by respective functional area, i.e., human resources, procurement, etc.

How are new forms released?

All new forms are made available on our Web site. The forms are available in three ways:

  • Recently Released Electronic Packages: A packaged, self-extracting file containing  newly released forms. This file can be found under the heading: News and Forms Releases. The name of this file will always be formsyy1.exe where yy is the last two digits of the current fiscal year and 1 is the sequential number assigned to the release. This file is intended for those users who have and need to maintain all of the electronic forms.  It can be downloaded and used to install the forms either on a LAN or your local PC.  In order to use these forms, you must have the InForms filler software installed.
  • Individual Electronic Forms:  Each form is also available in an individual  self-extracting format. The web page has a listing of all forms currently available electronically. These forms are organized by functional area. The file name for the individual forms is form#.exe where form# represents the actual form number. The files on the web and the files on the respectively LANs throughout ARS are identifcal.  If you are connected to a LAN and have InForms installed, do not download a form from the web before checking with your LAN administrator.  Downloading a form which is already installed on your LAN may result in the lose of previously entered and saved information. These files are intended for those users who only need a few of the electronic forms.  In order to use these forms, your must have the InForms filler software installed.
  • Printable Blank Forms:  Each form is also available in the industry standard PDF format. This is the format used by the Adobe Acrobat reader software. This file may be printed to generate a paper copy of the form for completion. This version can not be completed electronically, but is simply a way of getting a paper copy of the current version of the required form.

  • PDF Fillable Adobe Forms: We have begun to convert some of the forms in our library into fillable PDF format. These fillable PDF forms will replace the existing PDF read only forms. These PDF fillable forms will be identified on the Web site by PDF/F on a tan button. In order to complete these forms on the screen, you only need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software is free from Adobe. The software allows you to fill-in and print the form. However, you cannot save the form with the data electronically for future use.

How often are new form releases issued?

We try to release new forms approximately once a quarter, usually at the end of a quarter. This schedule may change because of the number of requests, the urgency of a form(s), or the overall workload of the Branch. When new forms are released, a notice will be added to the News and Forms Releases section of the Web page. The news notices will list the forms released. We will also send out an agency-wide e-mail message announcing the availability of new forms.

Updated: 10/01/2004

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email2.gif [icon] (2k) Questions/Comments may be directed to Brenda Clark,