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Quotas > Conversion Factors for Controlled Substances > Introduction

Conversion Factors for Controlled Substances


This resource provides an alphabetical listing of many Schedules I through V controlled substances as listed in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1308, and their corresponding DEA drug code number and conversion factors. The use of conversion factors is important since quotas are established and allocated in terms of the base form of the controlled substance. Conversion factors are also important for computing the base amount of a controlled substance when completing the applications for import and export permits as well as the controlled substances import/export declaration. This list does not contain all controlled substances and should not be used to determine control status of a particular compound.

Conversion factors are used to calculate the equivalent amount of the base form of a compound from the salt form, or vice-versa. A conversion factor is the ratio of the molecular weight of a base to the molecular weight of the corresponding salt, as expressed by the following equation:

Conversion factor = Molecular weight of base divided by Molecular weight of salt

Therefore, use the following equations when:

  1. Converting From Salt to Base:

Quantity of salt * conversion factor = quantity of base

  1. Converting From Base to Salt:

Quantity of base / conversion factor = quantity of salt

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