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Project Number 582
Date of Summary August 8, 2008
Subject A Probabilistic Approach to Risk Assessment of Managed Pressure Drilling in Offshore Drilling Applications
Performing Activity MOHR Engineering Division
Principal Investigator Ken Malloy
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion September 30, 2008
Description Studies sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Minerals Management Service (MMS) have concluded that between 25% to 33% of all remaining undeveloped reservoirs are not drillable using conventional overbalanced drilling methods due in large to the increased likelihood of well control problems such as differential sticking, lost circulation, kicks, and blowouts. The challenge before industry is to seek an efficient method to drill and develop these reservoirs in a manner that is no less safe than current drilling methods. For MMS, this research is desirable to assist in our review of managed pressure drilling (MPD) applications; an area where little guidance/regulations presently exist. The increased understanding of safety and environmental safeguards expected from this research will improve recovery of existing reserves and bring more domestic oil and gas production to market. The goal of this initiative is to study and develop MPD techniques that dynamically control annular pressures to facilitate drilling of what might otherwise be economically unattainable prospects. By packaging this research as a JIP, MOHR expects to offer a fair, balanced and managed outcome by assisting the operators, contractors, and regulatory bodies in developing cohesive managed pressure drilling practices.
Progress MOHR Engineering held their kick-off meeting in Houston on May 17, 2006. To date, the contractor has presented technical papers to illustrate the progress of work entitled:
  • “Managed Pressure Drilling – What Is It Anyway?”  for World Oil, March 2007 and
  • “Improved Reliability of Drilling Operations Using Managed Pressure Drilling Technology: A Case Study in a Brown Field Environment”, OTC 18461 at @ the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, April/May 2007

Contractor plans to submit draft deliverables in early September 2008 with the final deliverables bySeptember 30th.


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Last Updated: 08/11/2008, 07:52 AM