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Project Number 221
Date of Summary February 2, 2005
Subject Risk-Based Optimization of Pipeline Integrity Maintenance Activities
Performing Activity Centre for Frontier Engineering Research (C-FER)
Principal Investigator Dr. Thomas J.E. Zimmerman
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Completed.
Description This was a Joint Industry Project (JIP). The objective was to develop risk-based models and software tools for estimating the risk levels associated with a given segment of pipe in a pipeline system. The program focused on risk associated with failure of pipelines, rather than facilities such as compression and pumping stations. The program consisted of the following five projects: (1) Risk-Based Methodology for Pipeline Integrity Maintenance; (2) Model for the Assessment of Failure Consequences; (3) Risk-Based Optimization of Corrosion Maintenance Activities; (4) Risk-Based Optimization of Large Ground Movement Maintenance Activities; and (5) Risk-Based Optimization of SCC.

MMS extended the contract for the project in 1998 to: a) add new modules to complete the offshore suite of computer programs; b) add new capabilities to improve existing programs; c) further testing and verification of existing beta programs; and d) on-going activities related to program management, software quality assurance, user support and training.

Progress The structure of all costs in the model was finalized and associated influence diagram nodes were developed. An environmental impact model was developed which defines the potential impact severity at a given site. This measure of spill site damage potential was combined with the residual spill volume and a measure of product toxicity to develop a final descriptor of spill impact. Utility functions for cost, effective spill volume, and loss of life were developed.

All tasks planned under the original contract are complete and all deliverables were submitted to JIP participants.

Although some of the reports are marked confidential, the proprietary period ended in 2004.


AA File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (26 pages) Nessim, M. A., Stephens, M. J., Risk-Based Optimization of Pipeline Integrity Maintenance, ASME Paper no. OMAE-95-900 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, February 24, 1995.
AB File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (231 pages) Stephens, M. J., Nessim, M. A., Chen, Q., and D. K. Playdon, A Pipeline Failure Consequence Assessment Model Based on Influence Diagrams, DRAFT Final Report submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, January 1995.
AC File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (109 pages) Stephens, M. J., Nessim, M. A., and Q. Chen, Risk-Based Optimization of Pipeline Integrity Maintenance Activities: Project 1 - Methodology, Final Report submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, December 1994.
AD Bea, Robert G., Loch, K. J., Mortazavi, M., Young, P. L., Verification of a Simplified Method to Evaluate the Capacities of Template-Type Platform, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 1-4, 1995. (Out of print)
AE Bea, Robert G., Mortazavi, M., Simplified Evaluation of the Capacities of Template-Type Offshore Platforms, Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California, July 11-16, 1995. (Out of print)
AF Bea, Robert G., Loch, K. J., Young, P. L., Evaluation of Capacities of Template-Type Gulf of Mexico Platforms, Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California, July 11-16, 1995. (Out of print)
AG File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (57 pages) Hong, H.P., Nessim, M.A., Probabilistic Decision Analysis Using Influence Diagrams, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 2.1 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, October, 1995.
AH File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (237 pages) Stephens, M.J., Chen, Q., Nessim, M.A., Probabilistic Assessment of Onshore Pipeline Failure Consequences, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 3.1 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, October, 1995.
AI File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (104 pages) Stephens, M.J., Chen, Q., Nessim, M.A., A Methodology for Risk- Based Optimization of Pipeline Integrity Maintenance Activities, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 1.2 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, October, 1995.
AJ File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (51 pages) Attachment 'A' Presentation, Centre for Engineering Research Inc.
AK File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (122 pages) Stephens, M. J., Chen, Q., Optimization of Preventative Maintenance for Mechanical Damage, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 8.0 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, July 1997.
AL File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (149 pages) Nessim, M. A., Hong, H. P., Optimization of Metal Loss Corrosion Maintenance , PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 6.0 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, December, 1996.
AM File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (61 pages) Stephens, M. J., Playdon, D. K., Prioritization of Offshore Pipeline Systems for Integrity Maintenance, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 7.0 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, January 1997.
AN File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (62 pages) Stephens, M. J., Prioritization of Onshore Pipeline Integrity Maintenance, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 4.1 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, November 1996.
AO File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (61 pages) Stephens, M. J., Playdon, D. K., Prioritization of Offshore for Integrity Maintenance, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 7.1 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, February 1998.
AP File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (249 pages) Stephens, M. J., Nessim, M. A., and Chen, Q., Probabilistic Assessment of Onshore Pipeline Failure Consequences, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 3.2 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, November 1996.
AQ File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (209 pages) Stephens, M. J., Nessim, M. A., and Chen, Q., Probabilistic Assessment of Offshore Pipeline Consequences, PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 5.1 submitted by the Centre for Frontier Engineering Research, November 1996.
AR File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (101 pages) Program User's Guide Version 10 Edmonton, Alberta Canada. November 1998.
AS File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (170 pages) Validation of Models Implemented in the PIRAMID Software Project 97056 March, 1999
AT File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . (99 pages) Optimization of Preventative Maintenance for Mechanical Damage of Offshore Pipelines PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual No. 9.0 C-FER Project 97044, November, 1998.

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