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Project Number 200
Date of Summary March 31, 1995
Subject Securing Procedures for Mobile Drilling Units (MODU's) in the Gulf of Mexico
Performing Activity Nobel Denton and Associates
Principal Investigator Dr. Malcom Sharples
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description Investigate failures associated with offshore mobile drilling units (MODU's) during intense Gulf of Mexico hurricanes. The study will address jack-up units, drillships, drilling barges, and semisubmersible drilling units. The study will also address mooring and abandonment procedures for units exposed to hurricane wind, wave, and current forces and provide recommendations for securing procedures for MODUs in advance and during hurricanes. The project will use MODU failure and survival experiences form past hurricanes including Andrew, Betsy, Camille, Carmen, Hilda, and Juan to verify the securing procedures.
Progress Complete


AA (35 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . MODUSIM 2.0 User's Manual, submitted by Noble Denton and Associates, Inc., December 8, 1994.
AB (113 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Ying, J., Bea, R.G., Development and Verification of a Computer Simulation Model for Evaluation of Siting Strategies for Mobile Drilling Units in Hurricanes, Draft Report submitted by Noble Denton and Associates, Inc., December 8, 1994.
AC (187 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evacuation of Offshore Platforms Due to Severe Weather Conditions, Draft Report submitted by Noble Denton and Associates, Inc., December 8, 1994.
AD (86 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Christman, J., Bea, R.G., Evacuation of Offshore Platforms due to Severe Weather Conditions, Draft Report submitted by Noble Denton and Associates, Inc., December 8, 1994.
AE (165 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Bea, Robert G., Ying, Jun, Development and Verification of a Computer Simulation Model for Evaluation of Siting Strategies for Mobile Drilling Units in Hurricanes- Phase II Report, Marine Technology and Management Group Project, Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, August, 1995. Excel macro available.
AF (236 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Bea, Robert G., Ying, Jun, Development and Verification of a Computer Simulation Model for Evaluation of Siting Strategies for Mobile Drilling Units in Hurricanes- Final Report, Marine Technology and Management Group Project, Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, May 1996. Excel macro available.
AG (172 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evaluation of Securing Procedures for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units when Threatened by Hurricanes, Report Number H3348/NDAI/CAC Final Report submitted by Noble Denton and Associates, Inc., February 9, 1995.
AH (112 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Bea, Robert G., Ying, Jun, Development and Verification of a Computer Simulation Model for Evaluation of Siting Strategies for Mobile Drilling Units in Hurricanes Report to Marine Technology and Management Group Project, Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, December 1994.
AI (33 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Ying, Jun U. C. Berkeley Project Progress Report May 22., 1995
AJ  (262 kb)

Modusim- Simulation of Program MODU’s Moving in Hurricanes, Y. Ying and RG BEA, August 1995


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