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Project Number 118
Date of Summary December 31, 1990
Subject Blast Effects Upon the Environment from the Removal of Platform Legs by Explosives
Performing Activity Naval Surface Weapons Center
Principal Investigator Mr. Joseph G. Connor, Jr.
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description Regulations require that offshore platforms and structures be removed after abandonment and the site cleared of obstructions. One of the primary means for severing the pilings which attach structures to the seafloor is through the use of explosives. This project quantifies the blast overpressures which result from these pile severance activities. The Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) conducted measurements of actual pile severance activities in the Gulf of Mexico. A platform was chosen for its suitability and NSWC electronically monitored the blasts from an adjacent barge. Results from these studies will be used to determine underwater blast effects upon the environment.
Progress Complete


AA (147 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Connor, Jr., J. G., Underwater Blast Effects from Explosive Severance of Offshore Platform Legs and Well Conductors, NAVSWC TR 90-532, Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, December 15, 1990.
AB (42 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Young, G. A., Concise Methods for Predicting The Effects of Underwater Explosions on Marine Life, NAVSWC MP 91-220, Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, July 1, 1991.
AC (126 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Young, G.A., Guide-Lines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Underwater Explosion Tests, NOLTR 72-211, Naval Ordinance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland, February 1973. (related report)
AD (18 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Connor, Joseph G., Jr, Underwater Blast Effects from Explosive Removal of Platform Legs, Presentation, Explosion Dynamics Branch, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Reston, Virginia, April 7, 1989.


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