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Project Number 26
Date of Summary September 30, 1993
Subject Detection and Suppression of Wellhead Fires
Performing Activity National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building and Fire Research Laboratory
Principal Investigator Dr. David Evans
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Center for Fire Research has examined fire phenomena resulting from blowouts on offshore drilling platforms and is investigating technologies for suppressing and extinguishing well blowout fires by using water spray instead of flame blowout which is used by the industry.
Progress Complete
AA (27 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . O'Neill, J. G., Development of Blowout Fire Suppression Procedures, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 1980.
AB (20 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . O'Neill, J. G., McCaffrey, B. J., Development of Blowout Fire Suppression System Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, August 1981.
AC (66 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey, B. J., Jet Diffusion Flame Suppression Using Water Sprays, NBSIR Interim Report, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, March 1983.
AD (56 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey, B. J., Jet Diffusion Flame Suppression Using Water Sprays, NBSIR 84-2812, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 1984.
AE (30 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, D., Pfenning, D., Suppression of Gas Blowout Fires Using Water Sprays; Large and Small-Scale Studies, American Petroleum Institute, Committee of Fire and Safety Protection, San Antonio, Texas, September 11-13, 1984.
AF (8 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, D., Pfenning, D., Water Springs Suppress Gas Well Blowout Fires, Oil and Gas Journal, Volume 83, No. 17, April 29, 1985.
AG (58 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey, B. J., Jet Diffusion Flame Suppression Using Water Sprays, NBSIR 84-2812-1, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January, 1984.
AH (210 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Pfenning, D., Blowout Fire Simulation Tests, Final Report, Energy Analysts Inc. Report No. NBS-GCR-85-484, January 1985.
AI (4 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Manders W. F., Comparative C13 NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Prudhoe Bay North Shore Crude Oil and Its Burn Residue, FR 3963, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January, 1986.
AJ (72 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey B. J., Momentum Diffusion Flame Characteristics and the Effects of Water Sprays, NBSIR 86-3442, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
AK (4 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, D., McCaffrey B. J., Suppression of Wellhead Fires Using Water Sprays, Technology Assessment and Research Program for Offshore Minerals Operations, 1986 Report, OCS Study MMS-86-0083, Minerals Management Service.
AL (22 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey, B. J., Evans, D., Very Large Methane Jet Diffusion Flames, Paper for 21st International Symposium on Combustion, Munich, West Germany, August 3-8, 1986.
AM (10 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Gore, J. Faeth, G., Evans, D., Pfenning, D., Structure and Radiation Properties of Large-Scale Natural Gas/Air Diffusion Flames, Fire and Materials, Volume 10, 1986.
AN (4 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Gore, J., Evans, D., McCaffrey, B. J., Temperature and Radiation of Large Methane/Air Flames with Water Suppression, Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Clearwater Beach, Florida, December 5-7, 1988.
AO (5 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, D., Wellhead Fire Suppression with Water Sprays, Technology Assessment and Research Program for Offshore Operations, 1988 Report, OCS Study 88-0057, Minerals Management Service.
AP (54 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Chauvin, M., Bourgoyne, Jr., A. T., An Experimental Study of Suppression of Obstructed Gas Well Blowout Fires Using Water Sprays, NBS-GCR-88-547, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland, June 1988.
AQ (11 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Mitsui, T., Yamada, T., Kawamura, T., Identification of Gasoline or Kerosene Modified by Fire, Bulletin of Japanese Association for Fire Science and Engineering, Volume 37, No. 2, 1988.
AR (9 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Koseki, H., Mulholland, G.W., Jin, T., Study on Combustion Property of Crude Oil - A Joint Study Between NIST/CFR and FRI, Eleventh Joint Panel Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety.
AS (14 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Gore, J., Skinner, S., Evans, D., Stroup, D., Madrzykowski, D., Structure and Radiation Properties of Large Two Phase Flames, ASME 1989 Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
AT (6 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Sato, J., Niioka, T., Mitani, T., Ignition Characteristics of a Two-Component Condensed Fuel in a Stagnation-Point Flow, Twentieth International Symposium on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, pp. 1877-1882, 1984.
AU (210 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, D. D., Jason, N. H., Alaska Arctic Offshore Oil Spill Response Technology Workshop, Proceedings, National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication No. 762, November 29- December 2, 1988.
AV (30 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . McCaffrey, B. J., Jet Diffusion Flame Suppression Using Water Sprays, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 40 107-136 Interim Report, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland 1984.
AW (9 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Evans, David D., Center for Fire Research, OCS Report MMS 84-0001, 1984, Control of Blowout Fires with Water Sprays.

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