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Sequencing Department

Since the JGI PGF is a production facility, the Sequencing Department is at the heart of its operations. The department aims always to generate high-quality sequence in a cost-efficient manner. Its activities follow the DNA from library creation, through sequencing prep, to capillary sequencing and analysis. As genomics is a rapidly changing field, the department constantly adapts to take best advantage of new developments in technology. The current stable of sequencing machines comprises 70 Applied Biosystems ABI 3730xl's running 24/7, two Roche 454 GS-FLX pyrosequencers, and two Solexa pyrosequencers. All our protocols are available on the Protocols in Production Sequencing page.


Process Optimization

Like genome sequencing detectives, this group analyzes problems that arise in the production sequencing process, enhancing efficiency and throughput. The Cloning Technology subgroup develops new cloning methods and also produces the libraries sequenced at JGI.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

The Quality Control Group checks all reagents used in production sequencing and runs the capillary sequencers.

Project/Freezer Management

This group handles project management for production sequencing, representing the production line in the Project Management Office. The group also ensures that samples are stored and tracked correctly as they pass through production sequencing.


The Instrumentation Group is responsible for the upkeep and preventative maintenance of all the instruments in the production line.
Instrumentation Group web site

Production Shifts

Preparation of DNA for sequencing and the sequencing process itself are carried out by technicians in an AM shift and a PM shift. Their efforts are guided by the Production Coordinator.


The 454 group performs sequencing with the Roche 454 GS-FLX system. The members are working to optimize the process of pyrosequencing at JGI and integrate it into the JGI production sequencing pipeline.

Microbial Genomics - PGF

The Microbial Genomics group is responsible for integration of new sequencing technologies into microbial genome assembly and finishing. The group is focused on finishing special microbial and metagenomic projects and developing new tools and approaches for finishing process improvement.

Department Head: Susan Lucas