National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
NCRR Reporter
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Cover Story

Quick Takes

Resource Briefs

Science Advances

Research Briefs

News from NCRR


Quick Takes
Science Advances

Virtual Biopsies

A new imaging technique provides inner 3-D views of porcine blood vessels in vivo, according to a report in the December 2006 issue of Nature Medicine...

Sea Urchin Genome

The sea urchin is a favorite animal model among developmental biologists, just like the fruit fly and the worm...

Stem Cells Increase Insulin

Researchers at the NCRR-funded Adult Mesenchymal Cell Resource at the Center for Gene Therapy in Tulane University...

Triple Killer

After seeing many of her bone marrow transplant patients become seriously ill, physician Catherine Bollard decided to fashion a new immune cell to fight common viruses...

Resource Briefs
Research Briefs

X-Ray Microscope Scans Cellular Machinery

At the National Center for X-ray Tomography, scientists have built a transmission X-ray microscope that can produce meticulous 3-D images of cells...

Unique Partnerships Move Spectroscopy From Lab to Clinic

New laser-based instruments and techniques for visualizing biological tissues often show great promise in laboratory settings...

Virus Anatomists

John E. Johnson and his colleagues are peering into the tiny machinery of a virus to understand how it works. They are trying to figure out how a virus packs its DNA, a key process for the replication of some viruses...

Fertility Clues

Trying to understand the causes of infertility is the job of biologist Diana Chu, assistant professor at San Francisco State University...

News from NCRR

Researchers Named Health Ambassadors

NCRR-funded researchers Eric G. Bing and James E. K. Hildreth were among the 27 prominent scientists named as Ambassadors by the Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research...

Investigators Receive Greenwood Award

A scientist studying diabetes and one whose work focuses on mental health were the winners of the 2006 Greenwood Awards...

Five Members Appointed to NCRR Advisory Council

The National Advisory Research Resources Council, which advises NCRR on policies and programs and performs second-level peer review of grant applications...