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Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors: HUNGARY


How to use this map: Click on any of the map labels for further information. Purple labels allow to navigate to maps of the corresponding area, and reactor labels and symbols allow to access detailed information on these specific reactor locations. Some reacor locations have been shifted to allow for easy point-and-click navigation and may not represent the exact geographic location. The maps are freely distributable if a reference to the original INSC source is included (see details). No warranty is made for the correctness and/or completeness of the information presented on this and other pages from this web site (see details).

Other links are available from the following lists:

Individual plants within the country as shown on the above map:

Individual units at the plant site: Paks
Paks 1 PWR Hungary Operable
Paks 2 PWR Hungary Operable
Paks 3 PWR Hungary Operable
Paks 4 PWR Hungary Operable

Individual plants in neighbored countries that are shown in the above map:

Individual units at the plant site: Bohunice
Bohunice 1 PWR Slovak Republic Operable
Bohunice 2 PWR Slovak Republic Operable
Bohunice 3 PWR Slovak Republic Operable
Bohunice 4 PWR Slovak Republic Operable
Bohunice A1 GCHWR Slovak Republic Decommissioned

Individual units at the plant site: Mochovce
Mochovce 1 PWR Slovak Republic Under construction
Mochovce 2 PWR Slovak Republic Under construction
Mochovce 3 PWR Slovak Republic Suspended
Mochovce 4 PWR Slovak Republic Suspended