September 20, 2008 06:16:51 UT - Mission Day: 4677 - DOY: 264

SOHO in National Geographic

Cover of National Geographic
SOHO images are prominently featured in the July 2004 issue of National Geographic

An image taken by a SOHO instrument is featured on the cover of the July issue of National Geographic magazine. This is the dramatic introduction to a 32-page story on developments in solar science over the last decade called "The Sun: Living with a Stormy Star." The article features numerous images from SOHO and TRACE, and includes a striking, fold-out illustration depicting solar storms and space weather.

The July issue also includes a spectacular, full-size, two-sided poster. One side showcases one of the best ever close-ups of a sunspot and the different layers of the solar atmosphere. The central illustration on the other side depicts aspects of space weather and how the Sun affects our technology-based society.

The article with its many illustrations and images has been over two years in the making. Numerous scientists from around the world were interviewed. Over the past several months, SOHO scientists have worked closely with the magazine staff to review the article and suggest the best and most recent images and illustrations.

National Geographic is one of the highest-circulation magazines in the world. They distribute more than 6 million copies in English and more than 2 million in 25 other languages, for a total readership of about 40 million.

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Picture credits: SOHO/EIT (ESA & NASA)
Instrument: EIT (Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope)


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