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Noxious Weed Management Program

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The goals of the program are to:


  • prevent the introduction of new invasive plant species
  • eradicate species with isolated or limited populations
  • contain and manage those invasive species that are well established and widespread


To accomplish these goals the program:


  • implements preventative strategies to reduce the opportunity for new invasive species
  • provides information and resources to local weed managers
  • helps establish local weed management areas emphasizing coordinated efforts among public and private landowners
  • educates public agency staff and private citizens about the negative impacts associated with noxious weeds

Kelly Uhing

State Weed Coordinator


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Content Server Image Noxious Weed List This is a list of Colorado's Noxious Weeds.  MORE ON THE NOXIOUS WEED LIST
Content Server Image Noxious Weed Images Here you will be able to see photographs of most of Colorado's Noxious Weeds.  MORE ON PICTURES OF NOXIOUS WEEDS
Content Server Image Quarter Quad Survey  Data is requested from the County Weed Supervisors on an annual basis and are recorded.  The weeds listed on this table include maps of infestation, weed images, and the fact sheet information.  MORE ON WEED MAPPING
Content Server Image State Noxious Weed Advisory Committee MORE ON NOXIOUS WEED ADVISORY COMMITTEE


















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Content Server Image Colorado Weed Management Association
Content Server Image County Weed Information
Content Server Image   CSU Cooperative Extension 
Content Server Image Pulling for Colorado
Content Server Image   North American Weed Management Association