Environmental Management System Home
Planning under the EMS starts with an understanding of our Environmental Policy and a review of all activities undertaken by the facility that have an impact on the environment, including: power and water usage, vehicle emissions and waste generation. As a part of this review, any relevant regulations, contractual requirements or other Legal Obligations are compiled.

Analyzing the activities yields a record of Significant Environmental Aspects – a summary, of sorts on the types of activities that have the most impact and are within our control or influence. This list of Aspects is scored and the top three aspects were identified.

For each Significant Aspect, an Objective is identified and broken down into milestone Targets. To accomplish these, Environmental Management Programs (EMPs) are set up for each. An EMP is an action plan detailing how NCI-F will meet the Targets identified by the EMS.


Environmental Policy
Environmental Aspects
Legal Obligations
Objectives & Targets
Environmental Management Program
National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) FirstGov.gov