Argonne National Laboratory Transportation Research and Analysis Computing Center
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Providing High-Performance Computing Resources to Address Priority National Transportation Issues

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), in cooperation with Argonne National Laboratory, has established a high-performance computing and engineering analysis research facility at the DuPage National Technology Park in West Chicago, Illinois. The Transportation Research and Analysis Computer Center (TRACC) provides the transportation research and development (R&D) community with a state-of-the-art massively parallel computer system, advanced scientific visualization capability, high-speed network connectivity, and modern engineering analysis software.

TRACC is temporarily located within the DuPage Airport Authority Flight Center at the DuPage International Airport. TRACC will move to its permanent location in the adjacent DuPage National Technology Park in early 2009. Located in West Chicago just minutes from the Illinois Research and Development Corridor, the Park is an advanced, technology-based business park, master planned with the communications infrastructure to meet today’s bandwidth considerations and information security challenges, while anticipating future demands.


TRACC is linked to other USDOT R&D facilities, state departments of transportation, and university transportation research centers. Argonne’s TRACC partners are the University of Illinois and Northern Illinois University.

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC U.S. Department of Transportation
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