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National Institute on Drug Abuse

Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse

September, 1999

Program Activities

New PAs/RFAs

On May 25, 1999, NIDA issued a Program Announcement entitled Behavioral Therapies Development Program (PA-99-107). The purpose of this program announcement is to reaffirm NIDA's continued and ongoing commitment to a major program of research on behavioral therapies for drug abuse and dependence.

On June 14, 1999, NIDA issued a Program Announcement entitled Drug Use and Related Adverse Behavioral and Social Consequences (PA-99-113). The purpose of this PA is to stimulate research on behavioral and social adverse consequences of drug use and/or abuse. It is intended to elucidate the nature and extent of drug-related consequences and their development. An understanding of the full range of these consequences and the factors that contribute to or protect against these consequences is essential to the development of effective prevention programs. This announcement encourages local, national and international research on community/contextual and individual level risk and protective factors and processes that influence drug use and/or abuse and their consequences.

On August 5, 1999, NIDA, in conjunction with a number of other NIH institutes, issued a Program Announcement entitled Career Development Awards: Child Abuse and Neglect Research (PA-99-133). This PA is designed to encourage qualified applicants who (1) are beginning their research careers and who have an interest in child abuse and neglect research, or (2) are already involved in research on child and adolescent abuse and neglect and who wish to increase the sophistication of their research through research career development or (3) conduct research in related disciplines, such as adult and child psychiatry, developmental neurology, neurobiology, developmental psychology, social work, and nursing and who wish to broaden their foci in order to be able to conduct research on child abuse and neglect.

On August 5, 1999, NIDA, in conjunction with a number of other NIH components and the National Science Foundation, issued a Program Announcement entitled Curriculum Development Award in Neuroinformatics Research and Analysis (PAR-99-135). The purpose of this PA is to encourage and support applications from individuals with the requisite scientific expertise and leadership for the development of courses and curricula designed to train interdisciplinary Neuroinformatics scientists and U.S. educational institutions. The field of Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience research with informatics research developed from the computer sciences, mathematics, physics, engineering, or closely related sciences.

On August 5, 1999, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH institutes and other Federal agencies, issued a Program Announcement entitled Neuroinformatics Institutional Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (PAR-99-136). The purpose of this Program Announcement is to encourage and support the development of applications from U.S. educational institutions for Institutional Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K12). These awards are intended to foster the career development of individuals with interdisciplinary expertise bridging the fields of neuroscience and behavioral science research with that in informatics.

On August 5, 1999, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH institutes and other Federal agencies, issued a Program Announcement entitled Short Courses in Informatics (PAR-99-137). The purpose of this Program Announcement is to encourage and support short-term Education Grants in Neuroinformatics Research. Support is provided for the development of short courses, seminars and workshops on interdisciplinary Neuroinformatics education. This short-term training will be provided to scientists seeking to combine knowledge about the various subdisciplines of neuroscience and behavioral science research with expertise in informatics research.

On August 5, 1999, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH components and other Federal agencies, issued a Program Announcement entitled The Human Brain Project (Neuroinformatics): Phase I and Phase II (PAR-99-138). The purpose of this initiative is to encourage and support investigator-initiated, Neuroinformatics research that will lead to new digital and electronic tools for all domains of neuroscience research reflecting normal and diseased states across the life span. Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience and informatics research to develop and apply advanced tools and approaches essential for a major advancement in understanding the structure and function of the brain.

On May 26, 1999, NIDA in conjunction with a number of other NIH Institutes, issued an RFA entitled Hepatitis C Cooperative Research Centers (AI-99-007). This RFA invites applications for the establishment of multi-project or single-project Hepatitis C Cooperative Research Centers (HC CRCs). The purpose of this RFA is to stimulate high quality, multidisciplinary, innovative yet systematic, collaborative research on hepatitis C virus (HCV). Such clinical and basic research is meant to provide further understanding of the stages and manifestations of hepatitis C infection, disease and recovery. The HC CRCs also will have a mandate to build on new findings to explore new vaccine and therapy strategies.

On June 18, NIDA, in conjunction with three other NIH institutes, issued an RFA entitled HIV Prevention Trial Units (AI-99-010). This RFA solicits applications for HIV Prevention Trial Units (HPTUs) which will be integral parts of an HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) designed to carry out a comprehensive scientific agenda on HIV prevention strategies. The HPTN will conduct domestic and international research on promising biomedical and behavioral strategies for the prevention of HIV transmission among adult, pediatric and adolescent populations.

On July 8, 1999, NIDA issued a Notice entitled Supplements for the Study of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS. With this Supplement Announcement, NIDA plans to continue to develop a strong, multidisciplinary basic, clinical, epidemiologic, behavioral, and ethics research program in response to the challenge of the interactions of drug abuse with the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Supplement program is designed to encourage and enhance interactive, multidisciplinary collaborative projects involving researchers with primary foci both within and outside the area of drug abuse.

Other Program Activities

Buprenorphine/Naloxone NDA

On June 7, 1999 Reckitt & Colman Pharmaceuticals, Inc., filed an NDA for buprenorphine combined with naloxone for the treatment of opiate dependence. This NDA, as well as an NDA for buprenorphine filed previously were, in significant part,made possible by clinical trials undertaken by NIDA's Medications Development Division under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), and by the work of numerous NIDA grantees who previously had published findings supporting the use of buprenorphine as a potential treatment for opiate dependence. Dr. Nora Chiang and Mr. Robert Walsh of MDD played major roles in coordinating and directing much of the research and data assembly that constituted the NIDA contribution under this CRADA. The FDA will review both NDAs simultaneously.

NIDA/VA Study #1018

On July 16, 1999 MDD and the Veterans Administration Cooperative Studies Program held an investigator's meeting in Los Angeles regarding the commencement of the NIDA/VA Study # 1018: A Multicenter Safety Trial of Buprenorphine/Naloxone for the Treatment of Opiate Dependence. Mr. Robert Walsh is the MDD Study Director, Dr. Ahmed Elkashef is the Medical Safety Officer, and Dr. Nora Chiang is the Buprenorphine/Naloxone Project Director. Drs. Paul Casadonte, Paul Fudala, and Walter Ling are the co-PIs of the study. The NIDA/VA Study # 1018: A Multicenter Safety Trial of Buprenorphine/Naloxone for the Treatment of Opiate Dependence started enrollment in New York on August 4, 1999. Six hundred subjects will be enrolled in this study. Enrollment is projected to be complete by January 2000 and the study will continue until January 2001. The study will primarily evaluate "best practices" of physicians in treating opiate dependent patients in a variety of clinical settings, ranging from single practitioners to community mental health clinics. Clinical sites in California, Florida, New York, Illinois, Texas, and Washington will participate.

Review of MDD's Preclinical Cardiovascular Toxicology Program

On July 29, 1999 a consultant meeting was held in Bethesda, MD to review MDD's preclinical cardiovascular toxicology program. The meeting was chaired by Dr. James Terrill (MDD, Pharmacology & Toxicology Branch). Participating consultants were Dr. Carrie Branch (Pharmacia & Upjohn), Dr. George Billman (Ohio State University), Dr. Mark Knuepfer (St. Louis University), and Dr. N. Bari Olivier (Michigan State University). Other meeting participants included staff from NIDA, the FDA and USUHS (a site where clinical cardiovascular safety assessments are conducted for MDD). Beyond the usual "medication alone" cardiovascular safety testing conducted by all pharmaceutical companies, NIDA is faced with the unique challenge of assessing the cardiovascular safety of medication/cocaine interactions. Preclinical data on the interaction of GBR 12909 and cocaine received a favorable review from the consultants; based on the data, no concerns were voiced regarding MDD's plan to proceed to clinical GBR 12909/cocaine interaction studies at USUHS. Although several types of in vitro cardiovascular studies were suggested by the consultants as important supplements to the current in vivo procedure, it was concluded that MDD=s cardiovascular toxicology program is of comparable quality to programs found in leading pharmaceutical companies.

VA Medications Development Research Unit (MDRU) Updates

All MDRUs are currently running rapid screening protocols of various currently marketed medications looking for potential effect on cocaine dependence.

Methylphenidate Trials

MDD has received the methylphenidate ADHD study final database and first draft of the study report from the Cincinnati MDRU. Re-analysis of the primary measures is currently underway.

P-50 Medications Development Center Grants Update

All P-50 center grant principal investigators and study directors attended a reverse site visit where they briefed MDD staff on their progress to date and their future plans.

Strategic Program for Innovative Research on Cocaine Pharmacotherapy (SPIRCAP)

A third RFA for the SPIRCAP program (also includes research on other psychostimulants) has been issued with a receipt date of August 25, 1999. Cuurently there are 4 SPIRCAP grants funded from previous RFAs. Cantab Pharmaceuticals Research, Ltd., the successor to ImmuLogic Pharmaceuticals, Inc., has completed a Phase I trial of a cocaine vaccine and is now planning future clinical trials.

New Workgroup

The Emerging Technologies Workgroup, Chaired by Dr. Tom Aigner of the Division of Basic Research, will draw on the talents and interests of NIDA staff to identify the leading scientists and their latest innovations in biology, biomedical engineering, computer science and neuroinformatics, and to evaluate their potential applications to drug abuse research.

Summer Research Program for Students

Since 1986, NIDA's IRP has had a summer research program for students. During the summer of 1999, a total of 47 students participated in the program through either the NIH Summer Internship Program or the Minority Research and Training Program. Each student participant was assigned to work with an IRP scientist on a research project. The students' training program is individually developed and includes directed readings, tutorials, attendance at seminars, and actual laboratory experience under the direction of the scientist. The culmination of the summer program was the students' presentation of their research at the NIH Student Poster Session held at the Bethesda campus on August 5, 1999. The NIH Summer Internship Program is coordinated by Dr. Stephen Heishman and the Minority Research and Training Program is coordinated by Dr. Jean Lud Cadet and Ms. Mary Affeldt.

NIDA's New and Competing Continuation Awards Since February 1999

Adler, Martin W. --- Temple University School of Medicine
Training Program: Drugs of Abuse Related Neuropeptides

Bayer, Barbara M. --- Georgetown University Medical Center
Prenatal Effects of Cocaine on Immunity

Bayer, Barbara M. --- Georgetown University Medical Center
Neurotoxicity of Drug Abuse

Bechara, Antoine --- University of Iowa
The Pharmacological Basis of Decision-Making

Bergman, Jack --- McLean Hospital
Boston '99: Behavioral Pharmacology Societies Meeting

Bergmeier, Stephen C. --- Ohio State University
Analogs of Methyllycaconitine: Selective Nicotinic Agents

Bevins, Rick A. --- University of Nebraska
Pavlovian Conditioning Processes Involving Nicotine

Bisaga, Adam --- Columbia University
Evaluation of NMDA Antagonist for Opiate Dependence

Blakely, Randy D. --- Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Regulation of Serotonin Transporters

Booth, Robert E. --- University of Colorado Department of Psychiatry
Antecedents to HIV Risk Behaviors Among Drug Users

Boyd, Carol J. --- University of Michigan
Substance Abuse Interdisciplinary Training Program

Brady, Kathleen T. --- Medical University of South Carolina
Clinical Investigation of Drug Abuse Disorders

Braithwaite, Ronald L. --- Emory University
HIV Interventions with Adult Male Inmates

Budney, Alan J. --- University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Behavioral Treatment of Marijuana Dependence

Burstein, Sumner H. --- University of Massachusetts Medical School
Non Psychoactive Cannabinoids with Therapeutic Potential

Butler, Stephen F. --- Innovative Training Systems
Computerized ASI Consultation for Addictions Counselors

Cabral, Guy A. --- Virginia Commonwealth University
Effect of Marijuana on Macrophage Effector Molecules

Carroll, Frank I. --- Research Triangle Institute
Scientific Evaluation Chairman Grant

Carroll, Frank I. --- Research Triangle Institute
Selective Opioid Antagonist as Medication for Drug Abuse

Case, Patricia --- Harvard Medical School
HIV Risk and Club Drugs Among MSM: A Two City Comparison

Chang, Linda --- Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute
Monitoring Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment with 1h MRS

Chavkin, Charles --- University of Washington
Training in Molecular Pharmacology of Abused Drugs

Chesselet, Marie-Francoise S. --- University of California Department of Neurology
Gordon Conference on Catecholamines

Clatts, Michael C. --- National Development and Research Institute Inc.
HIV Transmission in Crack Injection Practices

Clayton, Richard R. --- University of Kentucky
Drug Use in Rural Kentucky: A Contextual Analysis

Cohen, Mark S. --- University of California
Real Time Imaging of Mental Activity

Coles, Claire D. --- Emory University
Maternal Substance Abuse: Outcome at School Age

Cottler, Linda --- Washington University
T32 in Drug Abuse Comorbidity and Biostatistics

Crabbe, John C., Jr. --- Portland VA Medical Center
Genetic Vulnerability to Drugs of Abuse

Crystal, Jonathon D. --- University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Cannabinergic Modulation of Time Estimation

Cunningham, Kathryn A. --- University of Texas Medical Branch
Neural and Pharmacological Mechanisms of Abused Drugs

Curran, Patrick J. --- University of North Carolina
Innovative Latent Curve Models of Adolescent Drug Use

Dani, John A. --- Baylor College of Medicine
Analysis of Nicotinic Cholinergic Systems in Mutant Mice

Darmani, Nissar A. --- Kirksville College of Osteoporosis Medicine
Mechanisms of Cannabinoid's Antiemetic Actions

Dennis, Michael L. --- Chestnut Health Systems
DOMS Early Re-Intervention (ERI) Experiment

Des Jarlais, Don C. --- Beth Israel Medical Center
Risk Factors for AIDS Among IV Drug Users

Desiderio, Dominic M. --- University of Tennessee Department of Neurology
Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the Human CSF Proteome

Desiderio, Dominic M. --- University of Tennessee
Mass Spectrometry of Opioid Neuropeptidergic Systems

Diaz, Rafael M. --- University of California San Francisco
Drug Use and Risky Sexual Behavior in Latino Gay Men

Dunlap, Eloise E. --- National Development and Research Institute
Males in Distressed Households: Drugs and Violence

Duvauchelle, Christine L. --- University of Texas
Dopamine Response to Predicted and Unpredicted Cocaine

Dworkin, Steven I. --- Federation of American Sociologists for Experimental Biology
FASEB Summer Research Conference: Drug Abuse

Dwoskin, Linda P. --- University of Kentucky
Development of Selective Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists

Eggert, Lona L. --- University of Washington
Preventing Drug Abuse - Parents and Youth in Schools

Elifson, Kirk W. --- Georgia State University
Emerging Drugs and Users: Social and Health Consequences

Elliot, Diane L. --- Oregon Health Sciences University
School-Based Drug Use Prevention for Girl Athletes

Fals-Stewart, William --- Old Dominion University
Behavioral Couples Therapy in Drug Abuse Treatment

Fisher, Dennis G. --- University of Alaska
Follow-Up for Needle Exchange Trial

Flay, Brian R. --- University of Illinois at Chicago
Postdoctoral Training Program in SAS Prevention

Fowler, Stephen C. --- University of Kansas Center for Research Inc.
Craving and Sensitization Models in Inbred Mice Strains

Fox, Howard S. --- Scripps Research Institute
Interactions of Methadone and SIV in the Central Nervous System of Monkeys

Frank, Deborah A. --- Boston Medical Center
Cocaine Exposure In-Utero: Elementary School Follow-Up

Friedman, David P. --- Bowman Gray School of Medicine
Addiction Studies Institute for Journalists

Fried, Peter A. --- Carleton University Department of Psychology
Prenatal Cannabis and Cigarettes-Outcomes in Adolescents

Frost, J. James --- Johns Hopkins University
Brain Opioid Receptors and Cognition in Cocaine Abuse

Gintzler, Alan R. --- State University of New York Health Sciences Center
Adenylyl Cyclase GBG Stimulation and Opioid Tolerance

Glowa, John R. --- Louisiana State University Medical Center
Determinants of Drug Effects on Drug-Maintained Behavior

Goeders, Nicholas E. --- Louisiana State University Medical Center School of Medicine
Stress and the Neurobiology of Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Goldberg, Linn --- Oregon Health Sciences University
Student Athlete Drug Surveillance Trial

Gonzalez, Jose, Jr. --- T.R.I. Center, Inc.
Virtual Reality: Application in the Field of Addiction

Grant, Igor --- University of California
NeuroAIDS: Effects of Methamphetamine

Griffin, Kenneth W. --- Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Self-Regulation Distress and Adolescent Drug Use

Grisel, Judith E. --- Furman University
OFQ Modulation of Opiate Tolerance Dependence and Reward

Groves, Philip M. --- University of California, San Diego
Mechanism of Action of Drugs of Abuse--Amphetamine

Haidt, Jonathan --- University of Virginia
Reason vs. Intuition in Moral Judgment

Hammond, Donna L. --- University of Chicago
Opioid Mechanisms of Analgesia

Harrison, Lana D. --- University of Delaware
A Cross-National Study of the Youth Drug-Violence Nexus

Hawkins, J. David --- Social Development Research Group
Substance Use and Transitions to Adult Roles

Hen, Rene --- Columbia University
Drugs of Abuse in Serotonin Receptors Knock-Out Mice

Holmes, Philip V. --- University of Georgia
New Model of Drug Abuse with Depression Comorbidity

Howlett, Allyn C. --- Saint Louis University
Cannabinoid Receptors in Neuronal Cells and Brain

Ialongo, Nicholas --- Johns Hopkins University
Follow-Up of Two Universal Preventive Interventions

Irvine, A. Blair --- Oregon Center for Applied Sciences Inc.
Interactive Training for Parents of At-Risk Adolescents

Johnson, Bruce D. --- Medical and Health Research Association of New York City Inc.
Behavioral Sciences Training in Drug Abuse Research

Kalyuzhny, Alexander E. --- University of Minnesota
Opioid-GABA Interactions and Antinociception

Kaminski, Norbert E. --- Michigan State University
Repression of T-Cell Activation by Endocannabinoids

Kessler, Ronald C. --- Harvard Medical School
Mental Disorders as Risk Factors for Substance Disorders

Komiskey, Harold L. --- Xavier University of Louisiana
MIDARP at Xavier University of Louisiana

Konradi, Christine --- Massachusetts General Hospital
Psychostimulant Regulation of Neural Gene Expression

Koob, George F. --- Scripps Research Institute
Central Mechanisms of Opiate Reinforcement and Dependence

Lai, Shenghan --- University of Miami
Subclinical Atherosclerosis in HIV+ Black Cocaine Users

Law, Ping-Yee --- University of Minnesota
G Proteins and Opioid Receptor Functions

Liddle, Howard A. --- University of Miami
Research Training in Adolescent Drug Abuse Intervention

Loh, Horace H. --- University of Minnesota
Neurochemical Mechanism of Narcotic Action

Longshore, Douglas Y. --- UCLA Drug Abuse Research Center
Treatment Motivation in Drug Users

Lundahl, Leslie H. --- BPRL/East House III
Marijuana Cue-Induced Craving and Relapse in Adolescents

Lutfy, Kabirullah --- University of California Los Angeles
Orphanin FQ and Cocaine Sensitization

Mactutus, Charles F. --- University of Kentucky Medical Center
Developmental Neurotoxicity of Cocaine: An IV Rat Model

Madden, Pamela A. --- Washington University
The Genetics of Adolescent Tobacco Use and Dependence

Makriyannis, Alexandros --- University of Connecticut
Training in Medications Development for Drugs of Abuse

Malison, Robert T. --- Yale University School of Medicine
Spectrum Imaging of Dopamine Function in Daytop Subjects

Mannes, Andrew J. --- University of Pennsylvania
Viral Expression of Opioid Receptors for Severe Pain

Margolin, Arthur --- Yale University
HIV and Cocaine Use: Cardiovascular Effects and Therapy

Martin, Billy R. --- Temple University School of Medicine
College on Problems of Drug Dependence Meeting (1999)

Martin, Billy R. --- Medical College of Virginia
Center for Drug Abuse Research (supplement)

Mathier, Michael A. --- Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine in Cardiomyopathy

McGinty, Jacqueline F. --- Medical University of South Carolina
Regulation of Rat Brain Glutamate-Dopamine Interactions

McNamara, Cecelia L. --- University of Alabama at Birmingham
A Real-Time Assessment of Crack Cocaine Relapse Risk

Moerschbaecher, Joseph M. --- Louisiana State University Medical Center
Effects of Cannabinoid Abuse on Learning and Memory

Moore, Gregory J. --- Wayne State University
Neurochemistry and Treatment in Young Cocaine Users

Morgan, James P. --- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Mechanisms of Cocaine-induced Exacerbation of Viral MYO

Morgenstern, Jonathan --- Mount Sinai School of Medicine of Central
University of New York Restructuring Services for Drug Abusing TANF Women

Murphy, Laura L. --- Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Cannabinoids and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

Murrelle, Edward L. --- Virginia Commonwealth University
Gene-Environment Interaction in Development of Drug Use

Nair, Madhavan P. --- Buffalo General Hospital
Cocaine and Immuno- and Neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 Infection

Negus, S. Stevens --- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Centers
Novel Delta Opioids: Analgesic Effects and Abuse Liability

Newton, Thomas F. --- UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
Brain Changes in Drug Dependence: Clinical Implications

Nichols, David E. --- Purdue University
Stereochemical Aspects of Hallucinogenesis

Owens, Michael S. --- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Immunotherapy for Drug Abuse

Pasternak, Gavril W. --- Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Opiate Receptor Pharmacology

Peterson, Phillip K. --- Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation
Dynorphin and Glial Cell Immunomodulation

Piomelli, Daniele --- University of California, Irvine
Control of Endocannabinoid Release in Vivo

Porreca, Frank --- Arizona Health Sciences Center
Bifunctional Opioid/CCK Ligands for Pain

Potterat, John J. --- El Paso County Department of Health and Environment
Interviewer Factors in Solicitation of HIV Risk Networks

Pottieger, Anne E. --- University of Delaware
Drug Court Offenders in Outpatient Treatment

Price, Rumi K. --- Washington University
Psychopathology and Environments in Drug Abuse

Reggio, Patricia H. --- Kennesaw State University
Molecular Determinants for Cannabinoid Activity

Richardson, Gale A. --- Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Use: 10-Year Follow-Up

Ridenour, Ty A. --- Washington University
Analyses to Improve Reduction in Crack Use

Roll, John M. --- Wayne State University
Motivational Properties of Drugs

Rosen, Jeffrey B. --- University of Delaware
Cocaine, Corticosterone and Emotional Behavior

Roy, Sabita --- VA Medical Center
Role of Mu-Opioid Receptor in Immune Function

Sadee, Wolfgang --- University of California San Francisco
Opioid Receptor Regulation

Schiller, Peter W. --- Clinical Research Institute of Montreal
Development of Receptor Specific Opioid Peptide Analogs

Sciarra, John J. --- Sciarra Laboratories, Inc.
Self-Administered Metered Dose Gel Medication Systems

Seroogy, Kim B. --- University of Kentucky - Anatomy and Neurobiology
1999 Summer Neuropeptide Conference: Addiction Symposium

Sharp, Burt M. --- University of Tennessee
Opiate Receptor Mediated Effects of Stress on Immunity

Shields, George C. --- Hamilton College
Computational Design of Haptens to Destroy Cocaine

Sholomskas, Diane E. --- Applied Behavioral Research
Evaluating Manual-Guided Training in Clinical Settings

Shor-Posner, Gail --- University of Miami
Neuroprotection with Selenium Therapy in HIV+ IDUs

Silverman, Kenneth --- Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
A Therapeutic Workplace to Prevent HIV Transmission

Simon, Eric J. --- New York University Medical Center
Biochemical Research on Opioid Receptors

Singer, Merrill --- Hispanic Health Council
Syringe Access and HIV Risk

St. Pierre, Tena L. --- Pennsylvania State University
Teen-Led vs. Adult-Led Drug Prevention in Schools Via 4-H

Stefano, George B. --- State University of New York College at Old Westbury
The Old Westbury Neuroscience Research Institute

Stevens, Craig W. --- Oklahoma State University
Functional Evolution of Opioid Receptors

Stolerman, Ian P. --- Institute of Psychiatry
Comprehensive Database of Drug Discrimination Research

Sullivan, Maria A. --- Columbia University
Opiate and Nicotine Dependence: Medications and Therapy

Sulzer, David L. --- Columbia University
Amphetamine and D2 Regulation of Dopamine Quantal Size

Svikis, Dace S. --- Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Behavioral Therapies for Drug Dependent Pregnant Women

Tanner, T. Bradley --- Clinical Tools, Inc.
Education on Opiate Addiction and Methadone Treatment

Thayer, Stanley A. --- University of Minnesota
HIV Neurotoxicity: Mechanism and Modulation Y Cannabinoids

Thomas, Brian F. --- Research Triangle Institute
Unique Probes for Cannabinoid Receptors

Unterwald, Ellen M. --- Temple University
Cocaine-Induced Opioid, Dopamine and Behavioral Changes

Vaughan, Roxanne A. --- University of North Dakota
Phosphorylation and Regulation of Dopamine Transporters

Vega, William A. --- University of Texas
Patterns of Drug Use Among Mexican American Adults

Von Zastrow, Mark --- University of California San Francisco
Novel Proteins That Regulate Opioid Receptors

Vorhees, Charles V. --- Children's Hospital Research Foundation
Developmental Effects of Methamphetamine-Like Stimulants

Weinstein, Harel --- Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Structure and Function of Neurotransmitter Transporters

Wentland, Mark P. --- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Aminobenzomorphan: Potential Cocaine Abuse Medications

White, Francis J. --- Finch University of Health Sciences - Chicago Medical School
Prefontal Cortex Neurophysiology after Chronic Cocaine

White, Francis J. --- Chicago Medical School Finch University of Health Sciences
Scientific Evaluation Chairman Grant

Yaksh, Tony L. --- University of California, San Diego
Spinal Action of Opiates

Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah A. --- McLean Hospital
Residual Cognitive Effects of Cannabis: An FMRI Study

Review Activities

Staff Development

NIDA's Office of Extramural Program Review (OEPR) completed a number of reviews this summer. In addition to the reviews in the chartered committees NIDA-E (Treatment Review Committee), NIDA-F (Health Services Review Committee), NIDA-L (Medications Development Committee), and NIDA-K (Training Committee), and mechanism based reviews such as those for centers, program projects, B-Start, and conference grants, a number of special committees were constituted for RFA reviews. Reviews for the following RFAs were conducted:

DA-99-003 Genetics of Drug Addiction Vulnerability
DA-99-004 National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network
DA-99-006 Prevention Services Research Replicating a School-based Program
DA-99-007 Bringing Drug Abuse Treatment from Research to Practice
DA-99-008 Research on Drug Courts
DA-99-009 Behavioral Therapy Development and Behavioral Science

In addition to the grant application reviews noted above, contract proposals received in response to the following RFPs were reviewed by the Contracts Review Branch:

N44DA-9-5059 Guidelines/Strategies for Ethnic/Racial Minorities
N01DA-9-7079 NIDA Center for Genetic Studies
N44DA-9-5064 Developing Prevention Research Dissemination
N01DA-9-8094 CTDP - Compound Identification
N01DA-9-6507 Administrative Coordinating Center for the Clinical Trials Network
N01DA-9-8097 Clinical Trials - Regulatory Affairs and Data Management
N01DA-9-2067 Communications Support Contract
N01DA-9-8096 Medication Discovery Using Rat Models of Relapse to Cocaine Self-administration
N01DA-9-8095 Clinical Trials Operations Support and Management
N01DA-9-2068 INVEST
N01DA-9-2070 Development of Science Education Materials on Drug Abuse
N01DA-9-7078 Production, Analysis, and Distribution of Cannabis/Marijuana Cigarettes

In addition, outside peer reviews of project concepts for four potential future contracts were completed.

Dr. Teresa Levitin, Director, OEPR spoke at the May 21st annual meeting of the Directors of NIDA Training Grants to provide an update on NIH extramural policies and procedures, particularly the policy on the inclusion of children and the policy on modular grants. She also spoke about the impact of the integration of some areas of NIDA's science into the Center for Scientific Review.

OEPR inaugurated its monthly OEPR Symposium Series on May 11, 1999 and held subsequent meetings on June 9, July 20, and August 17, 1999. The Symposium Series is designed to provide all NIDA staff with a forum for sharing ideas, brainstorming, developing creative solutions to concerns, and learning from one another. Case studies, discussion of day-to-day events, and information sharing are the main approaches used. Topics addressed to date have included the NIH policy on inclusion of children in research, review integration, and modular grants. Almost all NIDA Divisions and Offices have actively participated. Dr. William C. Grace, Deputy Director, OEPR, manages the symposium series.

Dr. Khursheed Asghar, Chief, Basic Science Review Branch, and Dr. Rita Liu, NIDA's Receipt and Referral Officer, made an invited presentation on the grant peer review process at the International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC) in Saratoga Springs, NY, in July. This was the first time that NIDA staff were invited to speak about the review process at INRC, and about 200 registrants attended. This presentation also gave Drs. Asghar and Liu the opportunity to get extramural researchers' perspectives on the integration of neuroscience reviews into the Center for Scientific Review.

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