Agenda for the MOBILE6 Workshop November 7, 2002 8:30 Introductory Remarks Gene Tierney, EPA 8:45 MOBILE6 Model Update Ed Glover, EPA HC, CO, and NOx (MOBILE6.0) Particulate and Related Emissions (MOBILE6.1) Air Toxic Emissions (MOBILE6.2) 9:15 Estimating CO2 Emissions with MOBILE6 Larry Landman, EPA 9:45 Break 10:00 MOBILE6 Policy Update Gary Dolce, EPA 10:30 MOBILE6 Sensitivity Analysis Bob Giannelli, EPA 11:15 MOBILE6 Validation Studies Alison Pollack, Environ 12:00 Lunch 1:30 User Experiences and Applications Development and Management of Link-Level MOBILE6-Based Emissions Inventories Rick Baker, ERG Use of MOBILE6 to Develop and Quality Assure "Link-Based" Inventories for the 8-County Houston/Galveston Nonattainment Area Chris Kite, TCEQ M6Link, A Tool for Integrating Transportation Model Output and MOBILE6 Output Roger Roy, MAG 2:30 Break 2:45 An Open Forum on MOBILE6 EPA Panel Questions and Comments 4:00 Workshop Ends