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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse
September, 1995


Clinical Report Series: Mental Health Assessment and Diagnosis of Substance Abusers

Provides detailed descriptions of psychiatric disorders which can occur among substance abusing clients. Presents the key components and processes involved in a comprehensive mental health assessment and describes a specific approach to achieving this. Detailed summaries of various assessment and interview tools are also provided.

Clinical Report Series:Assessing Drug Abuse Among Adults and Adolescents: Standardized Instruments

NCADI #146
Discusses the uses of standardized instruments as part of clinical assessment and treatment planning for adult and adolescent substance abusers. Provides detailed information on several standardized instruments including the different life problems they assess, recommended staff training for appropriate use, types of client populations, resources needs, and how to obtain the instruments.

Clinical Report Series: Relapse Prevention

Discusses several major issues related to relapse prevention. Provides an overview of factors and experiences that can lead to relapse. Review general strategies for preventing relapses and describes four specific approaches in detail. Outlines administrative issues related to implementing a relapse prevention program.

Diagnosis and Severity of Drug Abuse and Dependence

Provides clinicians and researchers summaries of the latest information, techniques and procedures regarding the diagnosis and severity of drug abuse and dependence.

Marijuana: Facts for Teens--Booklet

(Will be available in October 1995)
Designed specifically for teens, this booklet explains the current knowledge about marijuana, what it is, who uses it, how it affects a person physically and mentally through short-term and long-term usage, and where to seek help.

Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know--Booklet

(Will be available in October 1995)
Answers the most important questions that parents need to know to talk to their children about marijuana. Parents receive answers to questions such as: How is marijuana used?; What are the long-term effects of marijuana?; How does it affect driving?; Are their treatments to help marijuana users?; How can I tell if my child has been using marijuana?; and more.

Research Monographs

Discovery of Novel Opioid Medications--Research Monograph 147

Reviews the pharmacology, neuropharmacology, and molecular biology of potential pharmacotherapies for opioids, novel opioids, and non-opioids.

Epidemiology of Inhalant Abuse: An International Perspective--Research Monograph 148

Describes the epidemiology of inhalant use and abuse in the United States and in selected countries around the world. Discusses unique problems associated with investigations of inhalant abuse and suggests methodologies that might be utilized to investigate the high risk, difficult-to-reach groups who abuse inhalants in various countries.

Medications Development for the Treatment of Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children Born to Drug Abusing Mothers--Research Monograph 149

Reviews the current treatment strategies and approaches for the development of pharmacotherapeutic agents for the treatment of pregnant addicts and their children/infants.

Integrating Behavioral Therapies with Medications in the Treatment of Drug Abuse--Research Monograph 150

Latest research findings including state-of-the-art techniques and procedures regarding the integration of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments.

Research Monograph 151: Social Networks, Drug Abuse and HIV Infection (1995)

Brings together research in the areas of drug treatment and prevention. Offers a theoretical and methodological alternative to traditional behavioral epidemiology based on individual drug users by applying network analysis to the problems of drug abuse and HIV infection.

Problems of Drug Dependence, 1994: Proceedings from the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting--Volume I: Plenary Symposia and Annual Reports; and, II: Abstracts--Research Monograph 152 & 153

These two monographs contain the presentations from the 56th Annual Scientific meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. which includes the comprehensive, up-to-date reviews of research in progress from many disciplines in drug abuse and dependence.


Volume 10, No. 2 (March/April 1995)

Reports NIDA's refocusing of its research on drug-related violence and the broadening of its basic research on behavior. Also discusses results of a study that shows 31% of New York murder victims had cocaine in their bodies; reports on NIDA's behavioral therapies development program launched in 1994; and presents results form NIDA's Monitoring the Future Study; and more.

Volume 10, No. 3 (May/ June 1995)

Discusses NIDA's role in studying links between AIDS and Drug Abuse; Treatment and outreach research on AIDS; Institute of Medicine's AIDS research recommendations; and more.


Drug Abuse Treatment in Prison

Portrays two comprehensive drug abuse treatment approaches that have been effective with men and women in State and Federal prisons.

LAAM: Another Option for Maintenance Treatment of Opiate Addiction

Shows how LAAM can be used to meet the opiate treatment needs of individual clients from the provider and patient perspective. Compares and contrasts LAAM with methadone.

Drug Abuse and HIV: Reaching Those at Risk

Shows how three intervention models educate out-of-treatment injection drug users about AIDS, about the behaviors that transmit the disease, and about strategies that reduce the risk of contracting AIDS. Focuses primarily on indigenous leader community outreach.

Other Publications

Measuring Program Performance in Methadone Treatment Using In-Treatment Outcomes: An Illustration by Phillips, Hubbard, Dunteman, Fountain, Czechowicz and Cooper, published in the Journal of Mental Health Administration, Summer 1995, 22(3), 214-225. Quality measurement and quality assurance in drug abuse treatment has become a major issue. In addition, there is interest in the degree to which client outcomes can play a role in measuring treatment program performance. This paper discusses outcome-based performance measurement in narcotic addiction treatment and the importance of case-mix adjusted outcomes.

Colton, T., Johnson, T., and Machin, D. (eds). Proceedings of the Conference on Quantitative Methods for Studying AIDS, held in Blaubeuren, Germany, June 14-18, 1993. Statistics in Medicine; October 1994; 13 (19/20): 1899-2188. This conference was supported in part by a NIDA grant (#R01 DA04722, Donald Thomsen, Ph.D., Principal Investigator) to the Societal Institute of the Mathematical Sciences. Peter Hartsock, Ph.D., served as the NIDA Program Official.

Battjes, R.J., Pickens, R.W., and Brown, L.J. HIV Infection and AIDS Risk Behaviors Among Injecting Drug Users Entering Methadone Treatment: An Update. JAIDS:10, 1995.

Cooper, J.R. Including Narcotic Addiction Treatment in an Office-Based Practice. JAMA:273, 1619-1620, 1995.

Lambert, Elizabeth and Caces, Fe. Correlates of Drug Abuse Among Homeless and Transient People in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area in 1991. Public Health Reports. Vol. 110; 4; July/Aug 1995; pp 455-461.

Kuhar, MJ, Boja, JW, Patel, A, Pilotte, N, Cerruti, C & Lever, J., (1995) Cocaine and Dopamine Transporters. In: Hammer, RP (Ed), The Neurobiology of Cocaine: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 201-213.

Drs. Barbara Herman and Frank Vocci have co-authored a manuscript, Understanding Drug Addiction and the Brain in The Medical Prescription of Narcotics, sponsored by the Swiss Office of Public Health, Fribourg: Huber Verlag, 1995, in press. Based on a talk delivered by Dr. Herman in Thun, Switzerland, November 9, 1993, it will be published in English, French, and German.

Vocci, F.J. Development of Medications for Addictive Disorders. In: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Schuster, C.R., Gust, S.W., and Kuhar, M.J. (eds), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, in press.

Alim, T.N., Rosse, R.B., Vocci, F.J., Jr., Lindquist,T., and Deutsch, S.I. Diethylproprion Pharmacotherapeutic Adjuvant Therapy for Inpatient Treatment of Cocaine Dependence: A Test of the Cocaine Agonist Hypothesis. Clinical Neuropharmacology 18 (2): 183-195.

Vocci, F.J., Chiang, C.N., Cummings, L.B., and Hawks, R. Overview: Medications Development for the Treatment of Drug Abuse. In: Medications Development for the Treatment of Pregnant Addicts and their Infants, Chiang, C.N. and Finnegan, L.P., (Eds.), NIDA Monograph 149, pp.4-15, 1995.

McCann, D.J. and Vocci, F.J. NIDA Opioid Discovery Program. Anesthesia (in press).

Meyer Glantz, and Zili Sloboda published "The Prevention of Drug Abuse Among the Elderly" in R. Coombs and D. Ziedonis, (Eds.), Handbook on Drug Abuse Prevention: A Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent the Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs, New York: Allyn & Bacon, 1995.

Rebecca Ashery published "Injection Drug Users, Crack Smokers, and the Use of Human Services" by R. S. Falck, R. S. Ashery, R. G. Carlson, J. Wang, and H. A. Siegal, Social Work Research 19(3), 164-173, September, 1995.

Dr. Harry Haverkos, co-published an article in Genetica [95:157-164, 1995] on "Measuring Inhalant Nitrite Exposure in Gay Men: Implications for Elucidating the Etiology of AIDSRelated Kaposi's Sarcoma."

Dr. Harry Haverkos co-published an article in International Journal of STD and AIDS, Vol 6, #4, July/August 1995, pages 227-232, on "The Third Wave: HIV Infection Among Heterosexuals in the United States and Europe."

Dr. Harry Haverkos co-wrote a Letter to the Editor of JAMA (Vol. 274, 8/16/95, pages 535-536) updating readers on trends of reported cases of AIDS in the U.S.

Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV Research, NIDA Research Monograph (in press, available October 1995). Elizabeth Y. Lambert, Rebecca Ashery, and Richard H. Needle, eds. Qualitative methods serve as central organizing research tools for accessing hidden populations, identifying drug use behaviors and practices that transmit HIV, developing culturally appropriate HIV risk prevention interventions, and evaluating and interpreting program results. This monograph is a comprehensive review of recent innovative research on drug abuse, HIV prevention, and program evaluation using qualitative methods.

Falck, R., Carlson, R., and Siegal, H. HIV Risk Reduction for Injection Drug Users and Their Sexual Partners: Intervention Manual (in press, available in October 1995). This manual describes the HIV/AIDS risk reduction intervention developed by the Dayton/Columbus, Ohio, National AIDS Demonstration Research (NADR) Project for IDUs who are not in treatment and their sexual partners. This is the fourth in a series of HIV intervention manuals produced under the sponsorship of the Community Research Branch, DEPR. It is intended to provide program administrators, clinical staff, counselors, and others involved in AIDS education and prevention efforts with a complete set of procedures for providing intervention sessions on HIV disease, health-promoting behaviors, and building skills and developing personal commitment to HIV risk reduction.

Eight peer reviewed articles will be published in the ACNP journal Neuropsychopharmacology, on or about December, 1995. The articles are based on the NIDA Technical Review entitled "The Role of Glutamatergic Systems in the Development of Opiate Addiction" held October 1718, 1994. The series is dedicated in tribute to the late Dr. Roland Ciaranello, Co-Editor-in-Chief. The series will contain a review article on "The Effects of NMDA Receptor Antagonists and Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitors on Opioid Tolerance and Withdrawal: Medication Development Issues for Opiate Addiction", co-authored by Drs. Barbara Herman, Frank Vocci, and Peter Bridge of the Medications Development Division.

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