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Press Release

For Immediate Release
February 15, 2008

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

FBI Response to The Progressive Article Alleging the FBI Authorizes InfraGard Members to “Shoot to Kill”

Cyber Division Deputy Assistant Director Shawn Henry issued the following response:

“The FBI has received questions regarding a February 8, 2008 article published online at www.progressive.org. The article, which discusses the FBI’s InfraGard program, is titled, “Exclusive! The FBI Deputizes Business.” The author claims that InfraGard members have been given extraordinary powers to shoot to kill.

“In short, the article’s claims are patently false. For the record, the FBI has not deputized InfraGard, its members, businesses, or anything else in the program. The title, however catchy, is a complete fabrication. Moreover, InfraGard members have no extraordinary powers and have no greater right to “shoot to kill” than other civilians. The FBI encourages InfraGard members – and all Americans – to report crime and suspected terrorist activity to the appropriate authorities.

“Unfortunately, the author of the Progressive article refused even to identify when or where the claimed ‘small meeting’ occurred in which issues of martial law were discussed. If we get that information, the FBI certainly will follow up and clarify any possible misunderstandings.

“The FBI strongly supports the InfraGard program and recognizes that the protection of our critical infrastructure – most of which is owned and operated by the private sector – requires that we develop productive relationships with and amongst industry. It is certainly the case that some of these discussions require confidentiality, and the InfraGard program provides a valuable forum for protecting sensitive information when appropriate.”

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