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Genera for Family = Apocynaceae
40 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
ADENI Adenium Roem. & Schult. desert rose
ALLAM Allamanda L. allamanda
ALSTO Alstonia R. Br. alstonia
ALYXI Alyxia Banks ex R. Br. alyxia
AMSON Amsonia Walter bluestar
ANECH Anechites Griseb. anechites
ANGAD Angadenia Miers pineland golden trumpet
APOCY Apocynum L. dogbane
CARIS Carissa L. carissa
CATHA Catharanthus G. Don periwinkle
CERBE Cerbera L.
CYCLA Cycladenia Benth. waxydogbane
DYERA Dyera Hook. f. dyera
ECHIT Echites P. Br. echites
FERNA Fernaldia Woodson fernaldia
FORST Forsteronia G. Mey. forsteronia
FUNTU Funtumia Stapf funtumia
HANCO Hancornia B.A. Gomes hancornia
HAPLO3 Haplophyton A. DC. haplophyton
HOLAR Holarrhena R. Br. holarrhena
LANDO Landolphia P. Beauv. landolphia
LEPIN Lepinia Decne.
MACRO2 Macrosiphonia Müll. Arg. rocktrumpet
NEISO Neisosperma Raf.
NERIU Nerium L. oleander
OCHRO2 Ochrosia Juss. yellowwood
PENTA4 Pentalinon Voigt pentalinon
PLUME Plumeria L. plumeria
PREST2 Prestonia R. Br. prestonia
PTERA Pteralyxia K. Schum. pteralyxia
RAUVO Rauvolfia L. devil's-pepper
RHABD Rhabdadenia Müll. Arg. rhabdadenia
SABA15 Saba (Pichon) Pichon saba
STROP4 Strophanthus DC. strophanthus
TABER Tabernaemontana L. milkwood
THEVE Thevetia Adans. thevetia
TRACH Trachelospermum Lem. trachelospermum
TYLOP2 Tylophora R. Br.
VALLE Vallesia Ruiz & Pav. vallesia
VINCA Vinca L. periwinkle


Time Generated: 10/17/2008 07:18 AM MDT