NIH Buildings
Medical and Scientific Personnel

    Presidential Management Fellow Profile

    Jane Knisely
    Presidential Management Fellow At-Large, Class of 2009

    Jane Knisely is taking advantage of all NIH has to offer as an at-large PMF for the class of 2009. Jane came to the NIH after earning a Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from Washington University in St. Louis, where her research on protein trafficking provided opportunities to explore central questions in the fields of tumor suppressor biology and Alzheimer’s disease research. Jane’s main goal for her experience at NIH is to find a career where she can use her knowledge of and passion for science to support and advance the mission of the NIH, “science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.” To this end, she is interested in gaining exposure to science policy, public outreach and communications and scientific program functions at the NIH.

    Before graduate school, Jane earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Spanish from Moravian College in her hometown of Bethlehem, PA. She is a vegetarian cook with an expensive obsession with fresh produce, and enjoys yoga, poker, the great outdoors, music, and playing with her big black lab-mix, Asante.
