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Trade Policy Initiatives

The United States - China Oil and Gas Industry Forum

Established in 1998, the United States – China Oil and Gas Industry Forum (OGIF) is a public-private sector partnership with U.S. and Chinese representation from industry and government. The OGIF meetings are a cooperative government-industry effort that encourages dialogue with our Chinese counterparts designed to address existing challenges facing U.S. businesses in China. The OGIF also promotes additional commercial opportunities in the energy sector between the United States and China, contributes to gas policy development in China, and provides a platform for commercial policy dialogue. The approach is one of U.S. industry assisting China in its efforts to secure reliable and economical sources of oil and natural gas. U.S. industry representatives strongly believe that visible U.S. government support at the OGIF is one of the few ways their concerns can receive the attention of the Government of China.

The OGIF is co-chaired by the Departments of Commerce (DOC) and Energy (DOE) with China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The OGIF U.S. steering committee includes representatives of ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil, GE, McDermott, Phillips, Unocal, the U.S. – China Business Council, DOC’s Office of Energy, and the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy.

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