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Policy No. 321
Alternate Work Schedules


It is the policy of the National Cancer Institute-Frederick (NCI-Frederick) to provide opportunity for the scheduling of alternative work hours in order to address the demands of a research environment. These demands are influenced by the efficient scheduling of research labor effort, the composition of the work force, and the need of employees for greater flexibility to balance work with personal responsibilities.


Alternative Work Schedule (AWS): This term applies to both Compressed Work Schedules and Flexible Work Schedules that have been approved in advance.

Compressed Work Schedules (CWS): occur when employees deliver the required number of work hours, weekly or biweekly, on a schedule other than the standard five days a week, eight hours a day.

Flexible Work Schedules (FWS) include the following components:

  • Flextime - the range of hours within each day/week, as defined by management, during which employees may perform their required work as part of an Alternate Work Schedule.

  • Core Hours - the daily/weekly work hours, defined by management as part of an Alternate Work Schedule, during which an employee must be present for work.

  • Credit Hours
    are hours that full-time exempt employees on approved Flexible Work Schedules may elect to accumulate on an hour-for-hour basis by working, with management approval, in excess of the employee’s basic work requirement (scheduled hours per pay period). Work performed while accumulating Credit Hours must relate to the Scope of Work of the employee’s program. A maximum balance of twenty-four (24) Credit Hours may be carried at any time.

    Limited Access Facility means a worksite where employees must take more than 5 minutes to shower, change clothing or don protective garb prior to entering, upon leaving, or both.

    “In Lieu of” Holidays occur when a holiday falls on a day when an employee is not scheduled to be present at work as a result of an Alternate Work Schedule. In such circumstances, the employee may designate, with prior management approval, another workday (up to a maximum of 8 work hours) within the workweek (nonexempt employees) or pay period (exempt employees) in lieu of the holiday.


    In order to accommodate Alternative Work Schedules, adequate controls must be in place to ensure the following:

  • Each program area must maintain a staffing level that includes supervisory staff and is adequate to respond to the requirements of the contract statement-of-work and requests for service.

  • Relevant Government and Contractor staff must be familiar with the work schedule in order to avoid misunderstandings regarding work schedules and to ensure compliance with Contractor labor hour reporting requirements.

  • Adequate controls must be in place to accurately capture and report Credit Hours and actual hours worked.

  • Flextime hours worked must include Core Hours.

  • Requests to change Core Hours for a program area are to be sent to the Contractor Human Resources representative for submission to the NCI Contracting Officer for approval.

  • Equal consideration should be given to all employees requesting authorization to work an Alternate Work Schedule. However, approval need only be given when it will not interfere with the efficient operation of the program area.
  • Compressed Work Schedules must ensure that all required labor hours are accounted for within each discrete two-week payroll period for exempt employees and each weekly period for nonexempt employees.

  • Employees attending training sessions, on travel or other temporary assignments are expected to adjust their schedules to conform with the schedules of these situations as necessary.

  • Compressed Work Schedules may be temporarily suspended for fixed periods at the request of the employee (with management approval), or management, when necessary and appropriate.

  • Alternative Work Schedule requests are to be forwarded through the program Director/Manager to the Human Resources representative for review and submission to the Contractor Director/Principal Investigator (or designee) for approval. Alternative Work Schedules must be approved in advance by management. Once established, such schedules cannot be altered without formal revision and approval. Requests are to be submitted on an Alternate Work Schedule form (Attachment #1). Occasional deviations from an employee’s regular schedule may be approved by the supervisor on a casual basis.

    Daily work schedules exceeding six (6) hours must include at least a one-half hour non-paid meal break. This may not be scheduled to occur at the beginning or end of a workday unless the employee works in a Limited Access Facility.

    Work Hours are to be scheduled to provide coverage during Core Hours. Scheduled work hours are not to exceed twelve (12) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period. In order to provide adequate coverage for each program function, a minimum of 50% of the program staff is to be available on any workday.

    Nonexempt employees (NOTE: Schedules must be constructed so as to avoid working of unnecessary overtime):
      1. 4/10 schedule

        4 days @ 10 hours = 40 hour work week
        5th day off - optional Monday through Friday
      2. 4/9/4 schedule

        4 days @ 9 hours = 36
        5th day @ 4 hours = 4
        Total: 40 hours/week
        1/2 day off on 5th day - optional Monday through Friday

    Exempt employees (Compressed Work Schedules are not intended to limit hours worked by exempt employees when department workload necessitates working longer hours):

      1. 4/10 schedule

        4 days @ 10 hours = 40 hour work week
        5th day off - optional Monday through Friday

      2. 4/9/4 schedule

        4 days @ 9 hours = 36
        5th day @ 4 hours = 4
        Total: 40 hours/week
        1/2 day off on 5th day - optional Monday through Friday

      3. 4/9/8 schedule

        8 days @ 9 hours = 72
        1 day @ 8 hours = 8
        Total: 80 hours biweekly
        10th day off - optional
        Biweekly schedule to coincide with a biweekly pay period

    Accrual and Use of Credit Hours (Exempt Employees on Approved Flexible Work Schedules Only)

  • With management approval, full-time exempt employees on approved Flexible Work Schedules may accrue and carry a balance of up twenty-four (24) Credit Hours to be used in subsequent pay periods. Credit Hours are accumulated on an hour-for-hour basis.

  • Employees on Compressed Work Schedules may not accumulate Credit Hours.
  • Credit Hours may only be used in conjunction with an established Alternate Work Schedule and may be used to take time off from work at any time during the workday or used in lieu of paid Sick or Vacation leave.
  • Unused Credit Hours are not paid out under any circumstance and may not be used in advance, or earned while on travel or at training.
  • There is no time limit in which the Credit Hours must be used.
  • Management has the authority to approve, disapprove or limit individual requests to accrue and use Credit Hours.
  • Credit Hours must be recorded on the employee’s time card. A record must be kept of total credit hours earned and used each pay period and the beginning and ending balances.


    Each contractor shall administer this policy and maintain records as required.