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Trade Policy Initiatives

Trade Facilitation Office

Mission Statement

American business operates best in a rules-based, transparent market. The Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) in Beijing (86-10-85296655 ext. 502) was established by Market Access and Compliance and works with the Office of the China Economic Area to help monitor China's compliance with its commitments under the WTO, and to support U.S. business in China.

The Trade Facilitation Office supports American business in China as follows:

1. Outreach - The TFO works closely with the American business community in China to identify current and potential market access problems and issues as China implements its WTO obligations. We also partner with the American Chambers of Commerce in mainland China and Hong Kong, the US-China Business Council, industry groups, other American business organizations and individual companies to serve U.S. companies.

2. Providing Information to American Business - China's regulatory system has made it difficult for American companies to operate in China using business models that have proved successful elsewhere. The terms of China's accession to the WTO addressed many of the problems in China's regulatory system, and should facilitate American companies' doing business in China. The TFO provides information to American companies as to what China's WTO accession means for their operations in China or exports to China, helping the United States enjoy the benefits of its negotiations.

3. Serving as an Advocate for American Business - On behalf of the American business community, we work to ensure that broad WTO compliance issues and specific WTO-related problems American industries encounter in China are raised with the Chinese authorities. We also work with the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service and State Department Foreign Service Officers in China who have relevant industry expertise, and with U.S. trade and WTO specialists in Washington, to address issues before they become problems. Further, we serve as advocates for industries affected by non-compliance or incomplete compliance.

4. Capacity Building - The Commerce Department conducts numerous seminars in China to inform Chinese officials of China's WTO obligations and to familiarize Chinese business with international business practice and standards. Our office coordinates this training and liaises with other U.S. government agencies in China that provide training. We also spearhead a series of programs on legal processes, directed towards helping China develop institutions that facilitate commerce.

5. Feedback to Washington - The TFO provides feedback to Washington on China's WTO compliance, identifying both problem areas and success stories. We also advise Washington of information we obtain through our outreach efforts in the American business community in China, and ensure a flow of information on changes in China's legislation relating to foreign trade and investment as required by the terms of its accession to the WTO.

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