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Trade Policy Initiatives

Trade Compliance Center (TCC)

The Department of Commerce's Trade Agreements Compliance Program helps U.S. exporters and investors gain access to foreign markets when foreign trade barriers stand in their way. The mission of the Commerce Trade Agreements Compliance Program is to ensure that foreign countries’ trade agreement obligations to the United States are closely monitored, that compliance violations are addressed promptly, and that U.S. exporters are aware of the rights created by these trade agreements. Our Trade Agreements Compliance Program promotes U.S. exports, supports U.S. jobs, maintains confidence in our trade agreements and helps ensure a level international playing field. The Trade Compliance Center, the TCC, is the U.S. Government's “gateway” for monitoring foreign compliance with trade agreements to ensure that U.S. firms and workers get the maximum benefits from these agreements. To help American exporters overcome foreign trade barriers and to make certain our trading partners play by the rules, the TCC maintains the Department of Commerce's Trade Complaint Hotline (http://www.export.gov/tcc, (202) 482-1191) through which U.S. businesses can register their complaints online or by phone. When a trade complaint is submitted, the TCC coordinates a team of government experts that works closely with the company involved and develops a compliance strategy to try to resolve the complaint.

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