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Featured Links

Let's Preserve Detailed processing recommendations for many fruits and
    vegetables from Penn State University.

Let's Preserve Newsletter Penn State Lancaster County Cooperative

Canning Your Summer Bounty - November 5, 2008 (MP3 Podcast)
Critical food safety issues in home food preservation

National Center for Home Food Preservation

So Easy to Preserve DVD Demonstrations on canning tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, and    specialties; freezing foods; pickling; jams & jellies; and drying foods.

Tomatoes Infected with Late Blight – Are They Safe for Canning?

Food Preservation Tools

    USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning (complete text)

    Kitchen Units Converter

    Canning Supplies and Ingredients

   Elevation Finder (for process time adjustments)

   Fresh Preserving Discussion Boards (discussion group from Ball Inc.)

   FAQs on Home Food Preservation

   Jeopardy Game - Play online

   PSU Extension Educator Resources (password required)