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Explore Careers

If you are exploring various fields of work, changing occupations or simply looking for a career description, this section of ISEEK will help you learn details about different careers and how to pursue them in Minnesota.
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Descriptions of careers in Minnesota

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Find Industries

Profiles of Minnesota industries

Explore and plan:

Career Planning Process
Use this step-by-step approach to career planning.

Career Pathways
Explore careers within pathways to help understand how what you learn now impacts your success in college and careers.

Career Assessments
Assessments can help you identify jobs that match your skills and interests.

Use the skills you have and get the skills you want.

Careers in Demand
Information about high demand occupations in Minnesota.

Other Career Options
Explore career options like nontraditional, military and self-employment.

Career Planning Resources
Career counselors, information for individuals with disabilities, WorkForce Centers, websites and more.


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Health Information Technology - A Pathway to Advancement

Job Highlight - Court Reporter


Read the latest articles about career trends


Top questions ISEEK users ask about exploring careers


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Counselor Corner

New to America

People with Disabilities

When You Lose Your Job


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